Chapter 2

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(kyle's POV)

I got my phone out and scrolled through contacts until I found who I was looking for; the

phone rang.


hey Aylaso I kinda left home without planning where to go. Can I spend the night

with you?

whatever dumbass. But you got one night to find somewhere else to go or Im calling

your parents.

uh-huh. Can you pick me up as well.

I really hate you sometimesbut yes.

With that the call ended. I sat on the sidewalk where I had been with that boy and

waited for Ayla. I just sat there staring at the sky and occasionally checking my phone.

god where is sheive been sitting here for 45 gonna text her

*where are you???*

*im almost there, just had to make a stop*

*what kind of stop?*

*dont worry about it..youll see*

Around five minutes later Ayla finally showed up. She pulled over to the side of the road

to let me get in. After I put my seat belt on she handed me a white box.

whats this?

open it if you wanna know genius.

damn thats a lot of food.

well you alway eat everything in my fridge so I figured I should stock up.i still dont

understand how you eat that much and still dont grain any weight.

lets got chicken wings, brownies, sushi, strawberries, cheesy

forgot one of my favorites.

which one??? I thought I got everything

you didnt get prime rib

ok its one thing to get this stuff but considering just this cost almost 40 can

buy your own damn prime rib.

ok ok. Chill. Since your bought all this for me and you're letting me stay at your place, I

might as well pay for dinner. Lets go get some steak.

Ayla drove to a steakhouse and we ate dinner together. After dinner we went to the mall

for awhile to walk and play in the arcade. At about 10:30 we headed to her house and

watched a movie together.

alright Im gonna get ready to sleep and go to bed you can watch tv or go to bed, you

know where the guest room is.

ill probably just look online for somewhere to go after you kick me out

whatever just be quiet

im gonna have to find a cheap hotelwhatever I gotta sleep but my mind is racing

why do I keep thinking about that guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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