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That kid. Chris shook his head, remembering what had happened the other day. The way the other man looked at him, how petrified Caleb had looked... He knew, without a doubt, that the man had some type of role in the abuse, and in the secrets the kid kept hidden from him. He had a feeling that they all looped back to one giant secret that Caleb was nowhere near ready to disclose, and sharing a single smaller one would open the doorway straight to it.

He had stayed with him all day in bed, only leaving to use the bathroom or grab some food for the two of them. He nearly had to feed Caleb himself, since he wouldn't eat unless Chris insisted. And at points, it seemed like his comfort was the only thing keeping him from another of his panic attacks.

Chris glanced over at the clock. Five more minutes until the alarm. Caleb appeared to be a little restless, even while asleep, so Chris reached over and gently tugged him onto his lap. He settled instantly, laying his head and one arm on his chest and snuggling into him. Chris gazed down at him, and without even thinking about it, pressed his lips lightly on the hair on top of his head. What am I doing? I'm not gay... is it even possible I could be bi? Caleb seemed to feel the contact, and he must have woken up at some point, because he tilted his head backward to look up at Chris, faces inches apart. Chris moved forward until their breath ghosted across each other's mouths. He had made the move, but he would leave it up to Caleb to accept it or not.

They stayed like that for a minute before Caleb finally leaned forward just enough to bridge the gap between their lips. It was a short, soft kiss, and Caleb tucked his head under Chris's chin once they were done, but there was definitely something there.

I'm bi, then.

The alarm interrupted them before anything else could happen, making Caleb jump against him. Chris reached over and turned off the alarm, then moved so he could see Caleb's sky blue eyes. "If I go into work today, can you promise me something? Eat throughout the day, please?" Caleb nodded slowly, then allowed Chris to slip out from under him. Before Chris left the room to start getting ready for work, he leaned in to offer another kiss, which was quickly taken.

He drove to work after leaving out some toast for Caleb. When he got out of the car and walked in the door of his office, Jason was already there at his desk. "Hey."

"Hey," Chris replied as he let out a breath, plopping down at his own desk.

"Everything good? You seem off." Jason turned his attention away from the computer screen he was looking at, instead studying Chris' body language.

Knowing Jason would see right through it if he lied, he sighed. "I'm not sure."

"Figure out you're bi yet?"

What? That comment made Chris turn to give Jason a surprised but venomous glare. "And how would you know?"

Jason laughed. "Come on, it's been obvious since you first mentioned the kid. You can't get through one day without talking about him, and I'd bet next month's pay that you think about him half the time you're away from him. Pfft, you should see how red your face is right now! Did you kiss him yet?"

If he hadn't that morning, Chris would've thought Jason was crazy. Still, he stared at him with a dumbfounded look for a moment as he composed himself. "So what if I did?"

That just bought another hearty laugh from Jason. "I told you," he said as he turned back to his desk, giving Chris a smirk. "Glad you finally realize it."

Chris only huffed and rolled his eyes, turning on his computer. It beeped immediately, letting him know the sensors had picked something up while he had been gone. It was only a quick path going from the part of the sector closest to the city, and out away from it, that lasted barely a second. "Guess I better go check that out, see if I find anything," Chris said. A beeping started again as the tracers watching over the sector picked something up in real time, but the movement was slow. Walking speed.

"I'll go with you," Jason insisted. He had clearly noticed the beeping. Chris didn't bother to argue, knowing full well he'd come no matter what. Good thing he didn't mind. They were partners, after all, and had been since Chris had joined the division. The two of them grabbed their selected light guns and plenty of ammo. Jason put his preferred pair of pistols in holsters he strapped around his waist. "Let's go." The beeping continued on the screen as they both practically ran out and to Chris' sector.

As expected, the vampire wasn't there when Chris stopped where the computer had indicated it to be. Jason stopped just behind him. "Damn it, of course the damn thing left," Chris snarled through gritted teeth, seething and clicking the rifle anyway so it would be ready to fire.

"Are you sure about that?" In an instant, Chris had turned around, rifle raised and aimed directly at the vampire's chest as he glared. The vampire continued talking, voice sounding almost familiar. "What, not even gonna shoot me? I thought that's what hunters did, do they not?"

Jason had just fumbled his pistols out of their slots, pointing them at the vampire threateningly while Chris replied, taking a step forward. "Were you waiting for us?" A smirk appeared on the vampire's face, making Chris realize where he had seen him before. Two places, actually. His anger flared to life as he stomped forward, shoving the muzzle of the rifle against the bloodsucking demon's chest. "What the hell do you want now? Haven't you done enough?"

The vampire just chuckled smugly, clearly enjoying watching Chris's anger level rise. "A talk wouldn't hurt, now, would it?"

"All you did and you want a talk?!" Chris had to keep himself from yelling at the vampire, trying to keep himself together, yet his voice still raised. Jason wisely decided to only watch from a distance, not interfering.

The vampire smirked. "We just want our halfblood back."

"There is no halfblood," Chris growled out.

"Right under your nose, if you'd only use those pathetic eyes to see."

Chris thrust the gun against his chest, but the vampire wasn't even nudged by it. "There is no halfblood," he repeated.

"You already could've figured it out. You had all the pieces, I just put them all together for you." The vampire moved out of the way just as Chris's finger pulled the trigger, the beam of light being absorbed by the undergrowth it hit. Nails dug into his shoulder a moment later, making Chris hiss. "Despite how fun our little encounter has been, I've got things to do. Don't forget to return the halfblood, or it won't be pretty. Goodbye, little humans." A moment later, the vampire was gone.

"What was that all about?" Jason asked slowly after confirming they were alone.

"Let's get back," Chris grumbled, avoiding the question entirely and already heading back to the office.

"You're bleeding," Jason stated bluntly as they walked back in the building. Before Chris could make a comment about the obviousness, Jason went to get some disinfectant and a bandage for the bloody marks left by the sharp nails. "How did you know that vampire?"

Chris almost didn't answer, just taking off his shirt so Jason could get to the small injury. When the bandages were on and he was pulling his shirt back on, he finally replied in a gruff voice. "I watched him years ago in these woods. He killed my parents. In front of me." He paused, positioning his shirt properly. "And he abused Caleb. We saw him yesterday..." He stopped completely, trailing off. Now that he'd had time to think about it somewhat calmly, it clicked. "The kid's a halfblood," he whispered. It made sense now. The big secret that was hidden by dozens of other ones. He could see it now.

Jason had sat down in his chair while Chris was speaking, listening until he was finished. "Are you gonna do anything about it?"

"How can I?" Chris let himself fall into his own chair. "I can't do anything to the kid. I'm not turning him in, who knows what'll happen then. And I can't let those damn vampires take him again."

After a moment's consideration, Jason handed Chris one of his pistols. "Take this. It'll give him some defense at the house if you teach him how to use it. Even if you don't want him using it, you can keep it yourself."

Chris stared at it, hesitating. Jason never let anyone else touch his pistols, and here he was, offering it to him to take home. He took it when it was nudged against his hand. "Thank you," he said slowly.

"No problem. Now get home so you can check on him."

Realizing Jason was right and that the vampires were a very likely danger to Caleb right now, Chris rushed out, leaping in his car and speeding home.

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