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   "Mommy! Mommy!" You yelped happily as you skipped down the hall and into your mom's office.

   You pushed the door open, and ran in side jumping on her lap making her voice go up slightly, she pulled the phone away from her ear and whispered, "Not now (Y/N)... I'm busy." She gently nugged you off her lap and turned away looking up at her computer. The then took a pen and started writing down a series of numbers.

   You let out a soft sigh, then whined  softly. "But mommy-" you was cut off by her shooting you a death glare, and decided against pushing any further.

   Despite being a young 6 year old, you knew better then to argue when she sends you that look. You turn and skimper back to your room and shut the door sighing. "She is always busy..." You mutter before taking and using you every imaginative mind, and exploring.

   You after growing tired of the 'Castle' which you had made out of blankets and pillows, you decide to draw.  Humming a soft tune you drew what any other child would. You made a pretend friend which was quite colorful. This friend had blue hair, a pink and white sweater with hearts, and candy corn horns. You didn't know what color would be best for his skin, so you colored it a yellow orange.

   No, this was no where near a masterpiece, but for the six year old you were you was proud. So proud infact you hung it up on your wall for years until you got too old, and then decide to put it in a shoe box in the top of your closet.

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