You're a wha-?!

522 13 2

   I Stood there heart pounding loudly in my ears, fear consuming me. I quickly grabbed the first thing I saw, which happened to be a black flip-flop which had fallen out of one of the boxes.

   I held it out in front of me glaring at- what ever that is, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" I yelled anger and fear soon turning into adrenaline.

   The intruder simply just chuckled his gaze shifting from your face down to the flip flop causally. "D9 y9u seei9usly think y9u can hurt me with that?" He asked chuckling as he crossed his arms over his pink sweater.

   I froze, before narrowing my eyes a bit more studying his floating form. "By God I will turn this into a good weapon..." I hissed softly through gritted teeth.

   He let out a laugh, his lips forming a wide smile once again. "Y9u-? Please, The 9nly thing y9u can d9 is stand there l99king helpless~" He cooed softly eyes gleaming mischievously.

   I threw the flip flop at him, but he simply floated out of it's way. "Tsk~ D9n't be rude." He huffed his smile fading to a cocky smirk.

   I growled, clearly getting annoyed with the Alien. "What the fuck are you anyway?!" I yelled hoping to try and figure this out.

  "Why- I'm the Tr9ll 9f y9ur dreams~" he chuckled softly floating closer and gripping my chin making me look up at him.

   I let out a annoyed huff and pulled away crossing my arms over my chest. "How did you get here-? And why the hell are you in my house." I stated trying my best to calm down.

   "Well I flew I t9 this- V9id thing and f9und myself 9utside in the woods, I saw y9ur h9me and decided t9 take a peak~" he laughed eyes still holding its mischievous gleam.

   I looked down and sighed, my mind fading into a deep thought. 'Is it safe... He hasn't tried to hurt me so far- what if he needs help-? What if he is lying- He does look weird though... Well maybe you cou-' Before I could finish this thinking you was pulled out of my thoughts by this 'Troll' holding up a kid's drawing which had been framed

   "Heh- It's me! Looks Like I have a secret admirer~" he chuckled in a soft voice smirking at the mess drawn lines.

   I quickly take the frame out of his hands and hung it back on my wall, "Don't touch anything! Did you know the could possibly Trig-" before I could get the word out of my mouth he cut me off his eyes gleaming.

   "#Fuck triggers." He said his voice with a slight under tone of a growl. He then burst into laughter floating upside-down.

   "You are such a good damn nussince..." I muttered walking away, clearly tired of dealing with the Trickster.

   The floating troll fallowed smirk widening slightly before leaning down into your face. "9h s9 y9u are g9ing t9 simply just leave a guest al9ne in y9ur r99m?" He Asked chuckling. "#Rude."

   You rolled your eyes growling softly in response to his amusement. "Get out of my house, I seriously am not dealing with this." I stated in a blunt tone.

   He pouted soft eyes gleaming with mock hurt. "Please d9n't kick me 9ut I d9n't have anywhere else t9 g9..." He whined softly.

   You despite being a very mature woman, still had your child like since of caring. You sighed glancing up at the Trickster, "Fine. But you better explain who, and what you are to the very detail." You muttered back as you walked into the kitchen to grab a snack.

   The colorful man simply just nodded before opening his mouth to begen his not too different lectures. You could easily tell by the way the smiling trolls eyes seemed to shut, his arms crossed,  and his playful smirk disappeared this was going to be along night...

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