Chapter 2 ~Lucy POV~

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Time Skip: Two years Later

    Tomorrow will be my first day of my second year of high school at Fairy Tail High and I began thinking of two things; one, how much I'll 'grow up' in the coming school year and two, how many friends will I keep, how many will become just classmates, and how many would I make this year? I'd made a lot of friends on my first year of high school and we've texted every now and then, me and Loke had created a big rivalry between ourselves. It's still pretty hard to believe that we used to be friends and we were an item back in the eighth grade but I guess people just change whenever they want to. Anyway, I'd also talked to some friends back at my old school district CIDS (Crocus Independent School District) Rebecca and Homura, I'd always talk to Cana whenever I could, and I'd talked with Mirajane whenever she was on 'Google Docs' writing her 'Once Upon a Time Script'.

     Mirajane had been obsessed with 'Once Upon a Time' since nearly the end of the first semester of eighth grade. I'd shown it to her thinking that maybe she would like it and try to catch up with it once in a while just like me and my other classmates but I turned out to be wrong whenever she came back to me after the weekend and was obsessed with the show. Mirajane had especially loved the character Emma Swan and the canon ship of Emma Swan with and another character Captain Hook; honestly, it annoyed me but I can't really blame her for talking about it so much since I had always had the same experience with 'My Little Pony', 'A Series of Unfortunate Events', 'My Little Falls' –a crossover of the two shows 'Gravity Falls' and 'My Little Pony'- 'Tangled: The Series', 'Your Lie in April', and most frequently... 'She-Ra and the Princesses of Power'!

     Honestly it is one of the best cartoons I've ever seen! It shows equality, real life problems, LGBTQ, and reflections –most of my friends don't like it that much, although my friends Merudy, Yukino, and Touka really enjoy She-Ra as much as me; there's Levy who doesn't like it too much although she enjoys the character Entrapta since the two have a bit in common. I've actually given the five of us She-Ra code names and the list is...

     Juvia – Catra

     Yukino – Glimmer

     Touka – Catra 2.0

     Levy – Entrapta

     Me – Adora

     Usually Juvia and I call each other Adora and Catra while I have been calling Touka as Catra 2.0 and Yukino's code name was recently thought of. Oh, and Levy was Entrapta ever since she had seen her and I'm still trying to figure out a little bit of Lisanna and Cana, however I have called Cana as Catra a few times but only as a joke and I suppose Mirajane would be Scorpia since the two share a common goal to make everyone happy and annoy Catra sometimes. Of course we also have a Bow but it would be a bit weird since I do refer to myself as Glimmer as well as Adora since I wear a ponytail the majority of the time, so I refer to myself as a Glitradora person since I do ship the three characters Glimmer, Catra, and Adora however my OTP is definitely Catradora. Anyway, the Bow in our group –or my Bow, is a crush of mine that I've had since the last day of school.

     I know it sounds a bit weird and strange that I started having a crush on someone I met personally on the last day of school, but we have so much in common. We both love anime, we both read the manga's first before watching any anime, we like singing, and I still have more to learn about him... Although he has a girlfriend... I've met his girlfriend too, and she's also a big fan of 'Your Lie in April' as well as an anime I finished during the summer 'My Hero Academia' so I don't hate her and I figured that they had been a couple of sorts considering my crush had been looking for her while we were talking, but I was also told by a friend of mine, Kinanna, who is the only one so far to know who I like. Levy had almost tricked me into telling her but I caught her since we were texting and I called him Bow but soon gave her hints although I doubt she knows him. I'm trying to keep this crush a secret from my friends aside from Kinanna since I'm planning on letting everyone know whenever I've told him or whenever I know more about him; maybe valentine's is a good day however...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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