Work day :/

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You woke up the next day, got up and took a shower. Today was another work day.
You worked at a cafe. You hated working there though. Many guys flirted with you. One time it even almost got sexual.
You put your hair up in a bun and put a tad of makeup on. You put your work clothes on and grabbed your phone.
"I hate work..."You grunted. You swung the door open and walked out. You turned around and locked it, putting the key in the back of your phone case. You headed of to your work and checked in putting your name tag on.
"Hey m'lady" You turned around to see s familiar black cat toon, with a bandage over his right eye.
"Oh hey Coal!" You smiled happy to see him. He was the only male at your job that told the others to back off. Coal wasn't with anybody. But he always said nobody wanted him because he was a demon of some sort.
He never told you having a fear of you seeing him differently.
"Well I guess time to get to work?" You asked. He halfway smiled and nodded. You went to your station where you had to take orders. A familiar male demon walked in with your friend Midnight. You looked at them in disgust and put your working face back on.
"May I take your order?" You asked them.
"Oh hey Y/N!" Midnight said smiling. Benicio looked up at you and waved. You slightly blushed and looked at Midnight ready to take her order.
Midnight notices you staring at her,"oh I dont want anything,Y/N.. I will go out and hunt for myself.."
She smiles nervously.
You took Benicio's order and got Midnight nothing,since she asked for nothing. You gave Benicio his drink and food, "Here you go,Benicio," you blushed as you gave it to him.

♡Time skip cuz I'm lazy♡

"Y/N, your shifts over go home, or go do whatever you do." You heard your boss,Keen, say.
You nodded as you passed him the notepad, "Here you go sir, would you like to take over?"You asked him.
He glared at you as he took the notepad and your spot. You took off your nametag and checkout for the day.
"Ugh today is tiring.."You sighed as you heard a sound behind you.
"Oh was it now toots?~" The voice said, you turned around as you saw a demon toon.
"B-Benicio? W-what are you here?" You blushed immensely.
"Well I thought we could walk around and talk, or maybe go to the bar?~"
Benicio smirked.
He knew you loved the bar,but also needed time to clear your head.
"Yes Benicio, I guess I do have time to spend with you." You smiled as you got up.

♡~Time skip~♡

You and Benicio spent most of your time walking around. But now you tie were at Moon Mans bar, chillin and drinkin.
You saw Willow walk in with a vicious look. She walked over and sat by you.
"Hm? Willow what's wrong?" You tilted you head at her.
She growled and looked away. "I dont wanna talk about it." Willow was never the one to hide thought or feelings,sometimes.
You wondered in your mind what had happened. "Awww, Will, did he find out how you've been hanging out with Mr.Moon?~" Benicio smirked.
Willow glared at Benicio.
"Shut up, fucker...  You just dont like Moons because he tries to do stupid shit.." Willow snapped.
You started to worry about Willows relationship with Buster. Was this going to affect it?
"Hey, you and him are great dancers, also singers." Benicio chuckled softly.
Willow blushed softly as she remembered that night.
"Willow you danced with Mr.Moon?" You asked. She looked you in the eyes and smiled awkwardly.
"M-maybe.." Willow said.
You looked at her as you started to laugh. You never thought Willow would sing, let alone dance, with Mr.Moon.
Benicio laughed with you. Willow just gave you two death glares.
Willow then asked the Moon man for some blood red wine.
"And make it extra blood, because I might actually kill these two." Willow glared.
Moon man look over and raised a brow. But he just let his thought go and got Willow blood red wine with extra blood.
"Sooo.. Benicio when are you going to confess to that one person?" Willow smirked as Benicio became a blushing mess.
You were bewildered at what Willow had said. What did she mean? Who was Benicio supposed to confess to?
You looked over at Benicio as he was blushing at you."Hm? Confess to who?"You asked.
Willow started to giggle."So you havent told her?" Willow smiled at you.
Benicio started to growl at Willow. "N-No I havent.." Benicio blushed.
You were still confused at who they were talking about.
Benicio grabbed your hand and looked you straight in the eyes."Y-Y/N, I have to make." Benicio stammered.
Willow smirked at she also looked at you.
Then it hit you. You were the girl Benicio was to confess to.
"Y/N I have loved you ever since I first met you.. you just were different.. I broke up with Midnight just to be with you. So I'm going to ask this question..Y/N.. Will you be mine?"
Benicio said and then bit his lip.
You smiled as you then started to cry."Y-Yes Benicio! I would love to be yours!" You smiled as you then jumped up and hugged him tight. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheek.

Omfg that was long.. And I did write about the part where they made fun of Willow when she danced with Mr.Moon.. Its in my sketchbook and I named it random.. So if you would love to read it you can..

Also tell me if you liked this..

♡Welp bye!♡

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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