Chapter 1 The Train to Jensen

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I stared at the clock impatiently. Once class ended it would be summer!! Not only that I would start going to Jensen academy next week!! You see wizards exist, you might be a little confused right now, when I got the letter I was so surprised not because it was a wizard school but Jensen Academy is one of the best school ever! ( I already know wizards exist) Anyway nowadays wizard schools aren't in the winter but in the summer. You still have to go to normal school in the winter. Ugh!!! My parents are wizards so I grew up around magic it's in my blood. So as not to draw attention to ourselves we live in the country. My uncle lives on a farm and we visit every Christmas. And no I did not stray from topic, because I got a wand last Christmas!!! You see the summer after you turn 11 (if your birthday is in summer then that very summer you get to go!!) a wizarding school chooses you and you go there for the summer. Unfortunately your parents can't tell you if you will be able to go, (it just some stupid rule and I have no idea why it's there so don't ask) not everyone goes, even if you grewup around magic some people no matter how hard they try they just can't make their own magic, of course some are just slow learners. So, anyway when I got a wand I know I could do magic and I was so excited! "Sarah! Are you listening?!" My teacher demanded. I had gotten so caught up in my thoughts I stopped listening to her, nothing unusual there. "Yes ma'am" I replied swiftly and smoothly. Before she could say anything else the bell rang and we all quickly piled out.

It was today! The day I go to summer wiz school! Right now I was at the train station ready to go. "Bye mom! Bye dad!" I yelled as I boarded the train, waving furiously. A boy next to me who had just boarded the train asked me "This train goes to Jensen right?"
"What?! It doesn't go to the wizard school Jensen academy?!" He cried distraught.
"Oh no it does!"
"Then why'd ya say it didn't?"
"I wasn't sure if you were a wizard." I said sheepishly.
"Seriously?" He sighed " I panicked didn't I?"
"Yup, first year right?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"You might want to tone it down a bit."
"My first year too actually."
He held out a hand, "William, Will for short." I blinked. Obviously! William has to be be "Will" for short, I decided not to mention that. I shook his hand, feeling awkward touching a boy's hand, "Sarah, nothing for short." I said. He laughed at that, "Come on let's go find a seat."

That's the end of chapter 1! Hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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