Jenny Chapter 1

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High school was so easy to figure out. If you get people to fear you, they will also adore you. And with fear comes power, popularity, etc.

I, Jennifer Rose Whitely, was extremely skilled in the art of getting what I want. And Freshman year what I wanted was popularity. I can't tell you exactly how I got it but I did. And now, life is Pretty. Damn. Good.

My boyfriend Todd and I are going on two years now. He's basically the only person I can trust, along with my brother Jeremy. I shall spare you the agonizingly boring details of my childhood, and how my drunkard father and oblivious mother cast off my brother and I so they could fight day and night. And finally when my mother left us, my brother and I were left to experience the negative effects of alcoholism first hand. This is the kind of stuff I hate to talk about. That's why I never do.

I don't want anyone to know anything.

Not even Todd knows that stuff, not like he ever asks. Even if he did though, I probably wouldn't tell him. Stuff like that could put a smudge on my image, and I don't want people to see me and pity me. Like I said before, the key to high school is to be feared. The less people know about you, the more respect you get.

Considering my incomparable people skills, I now had an amazing boyfriend, great friends, a spot as head flyer and captain of the varsity cheer squad, and basically a lock for homecoming court this year. Like I said before. Pretty. Damn. Good.

And so, with my head held high, wearing my blue and white Sorenson High School cheer uniform, and a smile plastered over my face as always, I stepped through the large doors of my palace, in which I reigned over all that dwell inside.

Oh, how great it is to be queen.

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