chapter one: Moon

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                        In the sleeping kingdom of Arendelle the former queen sat up in her bed she glanced across the room where her sister now the queen of Arendelle slept soundly. 

" She" had appeared in her dreams again, Honeymaren the beautiful Northuldran village girl from the enchanted forest that her father had told the sisters as a bedtime Storie and where Elsa now lived as well and was visiting her sister for a few days.  Elsa looked out her window fondly looking at the moon Hanging huge from the sky surrounded by millions of stars.  The moon had a special place in her heart she had been the only friend Elsa had had when her parents disappeared and all those years locked in her room alone.  Elsa sighed and put her head in her hand smiling a little as she remembered her dream. They had been sitting around the fire again talking, but this time Honeymaren had been closer,  their legs touching and a blanket was draped around their shoulders, Honeymaren had had her hand in hers and..... Elsa blushed at the memory and she felt a flip in her stomach. She was confused.

" why can't I stop thinking about her" she whispered into her hands in response Anna snored softly. Deep down Elsa knew why Maren was what her mind wandered to all day and night. She needed air and silence to think. She slid out of her bed and tiptoed past her snoring sister. She didn't want to wake her sister and she felt like being alone right now anyway. 

Elsa walked down the long halls, the carpet muting her soft footsteps. she went through the kitchen and out the back of the castle slowly walking down the cobble stone paths while she thought. She found herself on the docs it was silent except the quiet lap of the waves agents the poles of the docs making a soothing sound. The moon hung huge above her, lighting were she stood like a spotlight.  Elsa walked slowly over the wooden planks thinking.  A small cloud of snow swirled around her head as the ice queen was lost in her thoughts. if Elsa was being honest she had been questioning her sexuality since she was 15 when she would watch a girl from her window sell fish every day at the market. she always told herself feelings like these were from loneliness. But now ever since she met Maren she wasn't quite sure. she smiled a little and a small blush rose to her cheeks as the brunette entered her thoughts. And the snow fell a little lighter around her softly landing on the wood gathering around her feet as the blond paced wringing her hands as she thought about the longing in her heart. Unaware of the falling snow.

 " ... Even if I might have feelings for her.. I doubt she's even...into girls" Elsa said thinking out loud. All Elsa wanted to do was to talk about how she was feeling to her sister but Elsa wasn't sure what annas views on the topic were, it had never come up in any of their discussions, mostly because of Elsa, she always changed the subject if anyone brought up same-sex relationships not wanting to know if her family was against her. But mostly Elsa wasn't sure how Anna would react to Elsa telling her that she was........ Elsa couldn't even bring her self to say the word. She ran her fingers through her hair 

"It's ok I can say it, I CAN DO THIS"  she whispered, she felt her heart start to beat faster and her ears began to burn hot. She didn't know what she was afraid of, no one could hear her, but she still was afraid because once she said it aloud there was no taking it back even if it was only heard by her.

 "Ok, here it goes... I got this" she said a little more confidently, looking up at the moon she began

" I... am.... I'm... I'm... gaAAHHHHHRR" she yelled frustrated at herself self 

"just say it"  she whispered to her self.  Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and whispered in a shaker voice

 "I'm gay" the blond's face turned red and opened her eyes. For some reason she was surprised to be still standing on the wooden docs alone surrounded by the salty wind, She had expected something bad to happen once the words had escaped her mouth but instead, she felt relieved. she smiled happy that part of the weight was off her shoulders. Smiling she turned from her spot at the end of the docs to look at the castle but instead saw her sister standing a hundred feet down the dock from her. Elsa yelped in surprise ice shooting out from her feet as she tripped and fell backward landing on her side. 

Did Anna hear everything?  

" Watch out" Anna yelled running over to help her sister up.

"Elsa, you have to be more careful you could have hit your head" her little sister said looking into Elsas pail and frighted face with a concerned expression.

Did she know?

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