Chapter 2: raveled

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The sisters sat at the end of the docs their legs dangling over the edge. Elsa looked down at her hand in her lap, avoiding looking at her sister who sat next to her.

"Elsa are you ok... you seem like you've been thinking about something ever since you arrived"

"No. I..I'm fine" Elsa said trying to give her sister a smile. but failing

The red head looked at the blond who was so obviously not fine at all, and wondering what she was keeping from her.

"Come on Els, you can tell me anything, we promised we wouldn't keep secrets, remember"

"I know..." Elsa whispered turning to her sister but keeping her eyes on her hands

"and it's not like I don't want to tell you. It's just that I can't" the blond finished

"Elsa you can tell me anything" Anna pleaded. Elsa let out a helpless sigh in response.

"way not "Anna whispered to he sister, a moment pasted as the girls sat in silence, a small swarm of snow flakes floated down around them as the girls talked.

"because I don't want you to look at me different, and I don't want to lose you again." the blond sighed looking any were else than making eye contact with her sister.

Anna's hart broke from her sisters' word. Taking her sisters face in hers she lifted Elsa's face so they were looking into each other's eyes. "Elsa you are my sister and my best friend, you could never tell me anything that would make me love or admire you less and I will always be hear for you ,Ok" Anna said hugging her sister and feeling how cold she was or at least more cold than usual.

"I know, and I do want to tell you." the blond said into the red heads shoulder. Anna released her from her hug and took Elsa's cool hand in hers " so tell me" she smiled at the clearly uncomfortable girl and taking her hand again.

Elsa nodded helplessly "ok.........." the blond opened her mouth and froze looking at her sister powerless in the situation.

Anna now noticing the falling snow and knowing how hard talking about anything that might make her sister feel vulnerable was for Elsa. "Just relax Elsa, Hey I wont look if that makes it easier" the red head whisper hopefully.

" um ok we can try at least" Elsa said swallowing hard feeling her heart pick up into a sprint.

Anna turned around their backs resting agents each other, Anna reaching for her sisters familiar cool hand and intertwining her finger's with Elsa's.

Elsa didn't feel to good, all the blood had seemed to drained from her head into her limbs making them hevy and her dead light and empty. "I might through up" the blond squeezed her eyes shut" NO you can do this" opening her eyes she looked up at the right sky.

"Anna.... I think...I might have feelings...for some one.. well a person.of.. but um..well.its ...I...just" Elsa rambled, stalling, she had expected Anna to interrupt when she said she had feeling for some one but Anna could tell that this wasn't an easy thing for her sister to say to her so she just listened.

Anna squeezed Elsa's hand reassuringly, The two girls had been siting alone in scilence both waiting patiently for Elsa to find her courage.

' you can do this, you can do this, you can do this, you can do this," elsa chanted in her head.

"Anna.." she began on a small moment of bravery

"Hmm" the red head responded calmly

"I'm gay" Elsa breathed out and dropping her had from Anna's and barring her head in them petrified at her sisters response. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder "Elsa" Anna said with warm smile, her sister turend, Ana pulling her into a tight hug and didnt let go. "Im sorry" Elsa mumbled into her sister shoulder. Anna slowly realesed her sister, looking at her sister "Elsa, you have nothing to be sorry for" she said

"so your not mad"

" Of course I'm not mad, silly" Anna smiled

"So who caught the snow queens eye" Anna teased, already knowing the answer to her question.

Elsa's face flushed but she couldn't help smiling a little "well.... um.. Honeymaren" Elsa's said gazing over the bay. Looking cautiously at her sister who had a hug grin on her face.

"ohmygosh" Anna squiled " She totally likes you, you have to tell her how you feel" Anna jumped up.

"no way Anna" Elsa laughed

"come on Kristoff is going there tomorrow to visit Ryder we can go with him and don't worry i can help you" she said dragging Elsa back up to the castle, Elsa giving in once Anna had her mind set and she was exited about something there was no stopping her.

When they returned to the castle Elsa tried to sleep but found it hopeless her stomach cept doing flips and she had extreme anxiety making her want to vomit but a small part of her felt giddy to see Maren tomorrow, It was also going to be nice to back at her new home in the forest.

She had no idea what she was going to tell Maren, but she couldn't worry about it know she had to get some sleep tonight so she forced Maren out of her thoughts and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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