Ships + Darren

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Okay, guys. This is just my view on things... I suppose you can't really control what you ship. I just want to make sure no one is uncomfortable!

I just wanted to talk about ships involving actual real live people. Example? Richpez, or maybe Laurwalk or so.

I understand why you'd think they'd be cute together! They're really adorable when they hang out. But remember: they're just friends.

I totally ship them, but in the platonic way! I think their friendship is amazing, I want to have a friendship like that. Where you're both just so comfortable with each other, where you can put full trust into each other.

But I think maybe full-on sexually/romantically shipping them can make them uncomfortable. Take note: full-on. Like I said, if you ship something, it's not so easy to stop. Just don't get your hopes up so high, maybe, haha.

For ships like Breredith? Go on, you can find them adorable! You can tell them they're cute together. Why? Because they were actually dating. And they even got married this year. They're open about it, and we're sure it won't cause them any discomfort. <3

I actually want to talk about Darren Criss, too... I'm super happy for him and Mia. I saw some glimpses of their wedding, and it looked so cool! I can tell they're really happy together.

But we all know Darren's the most famous StarKid. He's known for bigger things as well. There's toxicity in the StarKid fandom, but it's even more toxic when you go out of it.

There are people who, because of Glee, keep insisting Darren's gay. Why? Because his character's gay. Because he wears nail polish irl. Seriously?? That's no reason to think a person's gay smh.

They go as far as to saying, he'll find out he's gay soon enough. He'll divorce Mia soon enough.

EXCUSE ME, he's talked about this already. He said he's gone through a lot of thought, and came to the conclusion that he was straight. He said he fully supports the LGBT+ community, and he was practically raised by it. He's confirmed it, guys, he's STRAIGHT.

Saying he'd divorce Mia? He's not some emotionless fictional character (neither is Mia). That can actually be extremely offensive. Maybe they've gotten used to it, but that doesn't make it any less disrespectful.

I've never seen anyone in the SK fandom hate on their relationship, so I'm glad haha. All I've seen were positive comments about how they have the coolest wedding ever and everything.

But please, if you're one of the people who keeps pushing and insisting that Darren's gay, stop. :(

(knowing my warning at the description to not read this, there's a very VERY slim chance that you do lol. nearly 0. also, this is a starkid book-)

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