•|Finally the poem|•

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Everytime I look in the mirror,

I see a girl,

A girl who feigns bravery to hide her weak heart,

A girl whose tear-streaked face pleads for rest,

A girl who struggles to smile,

I see a broken soldier,

And a girl who is convinced there is nothing else to live for,

Everytime I look in the mirror,

I'm confronted by a girl who once thought she could pull through with or without Him,

A girl who put in all her strength to no avail,

A girl who is in earnest search for a comforter,

One she could rant to,

And give her a shoulder to cry on,

But she is always faced with one thing,


She believes she started it alone,

So she'll end it the same way,


When I look in the mirror ,

I see a girl who has freely allowed pain to rip her insides,

And has given dejection and depression a permanent abode in her heart,

I see a weak fighter,

I see a falling skyscraper,

I see a once priced artefact which has lost its value,

I see a lonely and haunted cottage of heartbreak and despair,

And no matter how many times this girl pulls her hair out,

Or screamed at her reflection,

She is always faced with one thing,


She was the cause of her misery she thought,

No one would love her,

She is worthless,

And no matter how many times she tried,

She just couldn't push the knife through her body,

Or jump down that cliff,

This girl in the mirror thought she knew what pain was,

This girl knew no matter how many times she wished,

No matter how many time she begged,

And no matter how many times she would run and try to figure it out by herself,

She still needed to go back to Him,

Because He made her,

He carved her and formed her,

He made her living when she was not,

And in her numerous rhymeless poems,

And in the midst of her uneven heartbeats,

She still just had to make things right with Him.


The Girl in the MirrorWhere stories live. Discover now