Royal Passage

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Profile: Prince

Real name Sorin. Last name unknown.

Age: 21

Height: 6'0"

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Dirty blond with black and white tipped bangs.

Specialty: Firearms


"Has anyone seen Sarren?" I asked, walking into the living room. The twins were playing on the PS3 and Onyx was reading.

"Laptop girl?" Terra asked, "I haven't seen her since last week when she left me to endure Onyx's wrath."

"Earlier when I was exploring I think I saw her with Jacob." Axel answered without taking his eyes from the TV screen

"What is there to explore?" Onyx asked at the same time I asked "Where are they?"

"We're exploring the high ground Onyx," Terra stated as if it was obvious, "Axel get the power up! No! No! Don't let the boss hit you! You only have one life left!"

"I know! I know!" Axel screamed back at her, "I don't see you actually helping out though!"

"We're going to do it! We're finally going to beat the game!"

"What do you mean 'We'?" Axel demanded.

I watched the twins, amazed at how fast they forgot about Onyx and me. Hopefully I would be able to find Sarren and Jacob on my own. As I turned to leave the room, I noticed Onyx getting up.

"NOOOO!! ONYX WHY?!" Axel and Terra screamed. When I turned to look, the Tv screen was blank, the twins were frantic, and Onyx was holding the Tv cord in her hand.

"WHAT high ground, Terra?" Onyx asked with a dangerously sweet smile.

"Sorin! Let me help you find Jacob and Sarren," Axel said as he quickly jumped up and dragged me out of the room.

"What are you doing?" I asked Axel.

"Do you want to be there when Onyx finds out that we have been climbing in and around her ceilings and walls?" Axel asked me.

After he said that, I was the one dragging Axel down the hall.


After 20 minutes of aimlessly walking around Onyx's huge mansion I finally asked, "Axel did you even see Jacob and Sarren?"

"Yes, I'm just lost. I, well Terra and I, never really get around this way," Axel said, flustered.

"This way compared to what? Hallways don't get up and move."

"You know, normally walking through the house. We always travel via ceiling. This house is bigger than you think and extremely secretive."

"If you show me what you are talking about will we actually find Sarren?" I asked curious.

"Hey..., yah, follow me," axel led me to the wall and started to run his hands over it.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for one of the doors. They are everywhere in this house."


"Found it!" Axel exclaimed, "Here we go."

I stared in amazement as Axel pulled a panel from the wall. Where the panel used to be a hole the size of an actual door was left.

"You said these things were all over the house?"

"Yah, since this place is Onyx's we thought she knew about them. With that said, her reaction when Terra mentioned the high ground was strange. It's this way," Axel said as he led me through the hole.

I walked through and found a narrow hallway. My head just grazed the ceiling so I had to slouch a little. It suddenly went dark as Axel replaced the panel.

"Hang on a second, let me hit the lights."

When Axel finally turned on the lights I was impressed. It looked as if I had walked into so industrial hallway, the lights looping on the walls.

"Does Sarren know about this?" I asked

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2014 ⏰

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