Chapter 1

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First chapter, please enjoy!

      The worst moments of my life are those when my alarm wakes me up meaning I have to go to school.  I wake up from my bed after my alarm snoozes like five times, the loss will be mine when I get late to school.

    I prepare myself slowly for school and since I don't use breakfast I just say goodbye to mom and Dad who are still in their room

    I, as usual, reach school earlier than many other students. Very few have arrived including  Andrew who is sleeping in the classroom. Rolling my eyes I take steps closer to the chair he sat.

   “ Your hair style is surprising" me
   He raises his head and looks at me, his eyes still half closed, if it was another girl am sure she'd have her stomach full of butterflies.

  Andrew is tall and handsome of course. His hair turned blonde now.. I guess he did change it during the weekend. Looking at him he's wearing a plain white T-shirt and a pair of grey jeans and as usual he's hot.

“ Morning beautiful " Andrew
“ Hellow. why did you get to school so early only to come and sleep? " I ask
" To see you? I really seriously miss you..."
I pinch him before finishing his sentence making us both laugh.

“ Until when will you stop flitting with me?" He smiles.
Conversations of this type are normal to us and he'd look straight through my eyes, causing tiny amount of butterflies in my stomach.

  Andrew is a playboy, but I feel it when he says he loves me. I know he does, the problem is my heart. Never even once have I  ever thought of him as my lover. Not that I have never had any boyfriends but just not him. We grew up together and the idea was never cool to me, and maybe it will never be.

Time for periods to start finally reaches and we all go to our respective classes. Thankfully the first period is English, my favorite subject of all, unlike maths and physics, the subjects I hate the most.

I look around to find someone I always adore, but he's not around. Not that I love him as a guy, but you know I just like him. 
I try to call him but he doesn't pick up. I wonder what happened to him.

Suddenly I hear a text from my phone. I check it, seeing it's Andrew,

Him: * What's wrong?*    

I can imagine he's been watching me. Nothing really new.

I text him back.

Me: Nothing

Rolling my eyes, I try to concentrate on what the teacher talks about.

(Few minutes ago)
Corey's POV

I worked super hard yesterday plus I got beaten up when I tried to stop two customers from fighting each other at the bar I am working.

Coming to school is like coming to a small prison. I  don't do well in my studies, something that makes me ask myself always, why do I bother coming to school? Plus I am one of the most bullied students at this school. Andrew and his crew, the crew I hate the most, the crew that makes my life here more of a living hell. I wonder if I will come out of the school alive once the school hours are over today.

AFTER MY BIRTHDAYOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant