A Sick Natsu

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Natsu never became sick. Therefor the whole guild was a little bit worried when he hadn’t showed up 3 days in a row. Only Happy had showed up one time, and told them that Natsu was sick. 

“It’s just weird cause Natsu never get's sick.” Erza said. She was in the Fairy Tail Guild talking with Gray and Mira. 

“Can you really blame him?” Gray said. “Lucy has been missing and no one knows where she could be.” 

Except for Yukino. They all three thought that.

Yukino had asked Lucy if she wanted to go on a mission with her and Lucy of course said yes. They where gone for almost a week and suddenly out of nowhere Yukino showed up unconscious in front of Saber Tooth. She hadn’t woken up yet so no one could ask her what happened. 

“I can understand Natsu’s sorrow." Mira said with both her hands on her heart. “He must be heartbroken over Lucy’s dissapearence.”

Gray just shook his head in surrender. Mira was impossible when she was in this mood.

“Either way.” Erza said. “This is not like him at all. I’m starting to get a little bit worried.”

… ... ... ... .. .. .. .. . . . .  .  .   .   .    .

In a forest a man walked through the closely growth that covered the forest ground. He sneezed regularly and had to stop many times just to catch breath. 

“Are you sure you’re okay?” A  flying blue cat asked him.

“It’s okay Happy.” Natsu said and continued on.

He sniffed in the air to catch that smell that had been around the last few days. He wasn't sure if it just was something his nose tricked him to smell or if he actually would find what he was looking for. Either way had he followed the smell until here.

"I can't understand how you can smell anything with that cold of yours." Happy said.

Natsu sniffed again. "I can't be unable to smell this."

… ... ... ... .. .. .. .. . . . .  .  .   .   .    .

The day went by and the nigth came along. Happy had fallen asleep on Nautsu's backpack and Natsu had to find at place where they could sleep. He found a cave and went inside but there were already someone in there.

"Hello fellow traveller." A voice said. Natsu looked at the person who had spoken. The person sat beside a fire to keep themself warm. They had a cowl over their head so Natsu couldn't see their face.

"You're Natsu Dragneel. Aren't you." The stranger asked.
Natsu noded.

… ... ... ... .. .. .. .. . . . .  .  .   .   .    .

Natsu had unpacked his backpack and made a place for Happy to sleep.

He sneezed and had to press his head against his pillow to avoid a coughing attack.

"Isn't unlikely for a dragonslayer to become sick?" The person asked while sipping their thea. They had also made a cup gor Natsu but he had refused to drink it. 

"I'm only sick on special occasions." Natsu said. 

"Like when?" The stranger asked.

"When a person close to me disapears or in other ways leaves me then I become weaker." Natsu said lookung into the fire. "On the other hand-" Natsu continued and looked over at the stranger. "-this is also my power. Whenever I'm close to losing I just have to think about my friends and my guild and I'll know much they care for me."
Natsu ended while looking at the perrson to see a reacton. The person didn't reveal anything but said:

"So you actually do have a weakness Natsu Dragneel?" 

"I do. And It's called you, Lucy." Natsu said. 

The cowl fell down from Lucy's head and revealed a creepy smile on Lucy's face.




// I'm sorry if you got confused by the the they/thier part. I just didn't want to write any gender when you aren't supposed to now witch gender they are.  Anyway much love to you. ♡♥//

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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