oh no really

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               “ what are you talking about!” I say rolling my eyes trying to play it off but I was dying over here someone get me some water!

               “ don’t play dumb with me!” I looked over at zayn he looked at me and blushed.

               “ liam she was with me im sorry!” zayn says I look at him confused for a second then I go with it.

               “ yeah malik almost got me in trouble!” I say winking at him he mouthed ‘ you owe me!’ I laughed harry stared at us.

               “ ZAYN NO FAIR I CALLED DIBS!” liam’s face turned bright red.

               “ guys no one is allowed to go out with my sister definitely not you harry!” liam says I laugh.

               “ you heard liam no one is allowed to go out with me, because I wouldn’t date any of you” I say smirking when liam turned away I smiled deviously and then walked into the kitchen. I grabbed some fruit to make fruit salad when the kitchen door swung open and in sauntered zayn.

               “ what do you want?” I asked while cutting up a watermelon

               “ to play 20 questions?”

               “ not happening”

               “ you owe me so you got to” I sighed turning around the knife still in my hand.

               “ ok malik, talk” he stared at the knife before taking a big gulp of air.

               “ ok, w..w…what’s your favorite color?” 

               “ zebra print”

               “ why?”

               “Because it’s stripes”

               “ do you like anyone in the band?”

               “yup” I say turning back around to cook but my hair kept falling in my face I threw it up in a loose bun before continuing to chop.

               “ who?”

               “ next question” I say smirking

               “ aww, um why do you drink?” that made me stop mid slice everything went quiet…. Could I tell him? would he judge me? I would hope not but I still don’t know

               “ save that question for another time” I say before going back to chopping I turned around only to find a pineapple being thrown at me I catch it right before it hits me.

               “ what was that for?” I say he just shrugs I roll my eyes and turn around cutting up the pineapple.

               “ when did you turn badass”

               “ to tell you that I’d have to tell you my whole life story” I say irritated why can’t he just ask normal questions but then again…what is normal questions?

               “ fine, I see that’s a touchy subject-“ suddenly his arms are wrapped around my waist and his mouth is right next to my ear….and for some stupid reason my heart felt like it was running in the Kentucky derby.

               “ but promise me you’ll tell me” he says his breath fanning across my ear and neck I had to hold back a moan! Do you hear that! Some reason im attracted to zayn.

               “ I would but you know what they say promises are meant to be broken”

               “ I’ll take my chances” I sighed knowing I can’t back down on a promise never have and never will no matter what. I’ve changed a lot but that’s something I learned a long time ago and it wasn’t easily forgotten.

               “ your choice” I say emptying the fruit into the bowl zayn’s hands didn’t move from my waist and I found myself actually enjoying them there which is why I swatted them away.

               “ keep your hands to yourself” I say smirking he smirks back

               “ don’t act like you didn’t like it” I roll my eyes self-centered hot jerk….wait hot? Did I just say hot? Ha! I believe I did.

               “ zayn?” I hear Louis voice call zayn jumps into the closet shutting the door I just continue to cut up fruit Louis peeks his head in.

               “ oh hey brookey did you see where zayn went?”

               “ who?”

               “ haha! Where’s zayn”

               “ sorry lou that’s classified imformation” I say smirking

               “ I double what ever he’s paying you”

               “ well he’s not paying me anything but how much you got?”          

               “ 30?” my eyes widen and I snatch it out of his hand.

               “ on the roof” I say Louis grins before walking out of the kitchen I stuff the money down my boob so when he notices zayn’s not there he can’t do anything about the money. Zayn comes out from the closet a smug look on his face.

               “ what’s up with your face zayn?”

               “ oh you mean the handsomeness?”

               “ no more like hot-uglyness” I say blushing

               “ uh huh” he says walking past me

               “ I hope you don’t call everyone hot ugliness” he says before getting ready to walk out of the kitchen I chuck a piece of fruit at him.

               “ jerk” I mutter when it misses him by a long shot, he just laughs and continue’s walking out of the kitchen…. Ergh! You hot jerk!


 so i know this is sort of a bad chapter but i had a little bit of writers block for this story but i think the next chapter will be a ton of alot better sorry for the really really long wait...if anyone is even reading but tata for now my little directioners!

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