"Why do you have so many bags?" Brad asked.....................

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It was the next day now me and Tom were just packing up the last of my stuff. Laura walked in with Ffion James and Tristan...
"Look I wanna apologise for what I said to you the other day I had no idea you didn't like Brad... you could have talked to me!" Tristan said
"It's okay I just needed to see Tom, I missed him.... Which is why I'm moving in with him!" I said
"Wait so your not coming back to Devon!!!" Ffion said
"Not for a while anyway!" I smiled
"Then what's the point in me staying here then!?" Ffion said
"So you can be with your boyfriend!" I looked to Brad who was stood outside in the cold with Con. "look we gotta go we are gonna miss our train!"
"Come baby!!" Tom said grabbing a few of my bags.
We walked out of the house towards the taxi which was waiting to pick us up. Brad moved to the side to let us past.
"Wait where are you guys going!" Con said
"Bournemouth!" Tom said
"Why? And why? Do you have so many bags?" Brad asked
"Because I'm moving there! Look I'm sorry Brad the truth is I didn't like you and I don't like you... The reason I ran away instead of facing my problems is because of my anxiety and panic attacks so I'm sorry by Brad!" I took a deep breath! "Goodbye Con I'll miss you!" Everyone else came out... I gave Laura a hug. "see you soon Hun!"
Then James "I'll see you soon Bro!"
Tristan "I hope we can still talk because you are an amazing best friend!" I whispered. "yeah" he whispered back.
Connor was next "I'll speak to you soon please keep talking to me!" I said
"Yeah I will don't worry!"
Then Ffion "Bye darl see you soon!"
Finally Brad I walked over to him to say goodbye and hug him but he just turned away.
"Right bye guys!" I hopped into the taxi.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Tom looked at me
"Yeah I'm sure!"
"Good right train station please!" Tom said to the taxi driver.
It was a ten to fifteen minute drive but when we got there there were paparazzi and new paper interviewers.
Tom grabbed my hand he knew I got panicky in these type of situations...
"Look I suffer with panic attacks... can you leave me alone or I'm going to have a serious one!" I said to lady that looked quite nice.
"Thank you!" Tom said going inside "If you want any more information on the Brad story check her Twitter and see what she said then you will know what's going on!"
We walked to the train we were 15 minutes early so decided to get a McDonalds to take on there.
Can I have a medium chocolate milshake and a Big Mac meal with a coke! Thanks!" Tom said
"Yeah that'll be £6.25" the man behind the counter said "look my daughters a big fan and I've just got her a top can you sign it please and can I have a picture?"
"Sure!" Tom said
He signed the top and I took a picture. "Does your daughter have Twitter?" Tom asked
"I'm not sure!" He said
"Alright what's her number and I'll ring her later!" Tom said
"Would you?"
He got this girls number and we went to WH Smiths so I could get some malteasers I'm obsessed!!!! We had to run to catch the train and we made it!
We sat on our own table thing us this time. I felt really I'll so I snuggled into Tom and tried to fall asleep. It wasn't working so I just led there and spoke to him.
"I was just wondering you know when I'm gone do you get really upset...? Because Luke said when I told him I was moving that he was happy because he doesn't have it listen to you moping around being love sick Tom!"
"Yeah you are my everything babe I just miss you loads and loads and when you surprised me the other day my heart was so happy so was I"
"I love you hunny!!"
"Love you to baby!"
He cuddled me in closer and closer and we just led there cuddled until the train reached our stop. We quickly grabbed our bags and ran of the train. We got out of the station and got into a taxi.
After 5 or 10 minutes we got back. Luke was sat outside.
"Ahhhh there you are finally!" Luke said
"What you doing here?" Tom said
"Well I thought... a girl is moving in with him... lots of stuff.... I've come here to help you because I know what girls are like!" Luke smirked
"Thanks mate!" Tom said
I went to grab some stuff from the taxi.
Tom opened the door and then went back to grab some stuff Luke went as well. Once we had finished with all the stuff Luke left, I saw him out...
"Look please don't break his heart!" Luke said as he opened the door
"I won't... I was thinking of booking a holiday for us just to get away from because let's be honest life's a bitch!" I said
"Yeah that's a good idea!"
"Thanks I'll get on to it whilst your in band practise tomorrow!"
"Okay see you tomorrow at 12!"
"Yep will do!" I shut the world away.
"It looks like it's just me and you..." Tom said smirking...

Rebelious (A The Vamps fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora