Part 58

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Loraine:ok hank do you have anything that could possibly get us started so we can lift it up
Hank:I have this lifter tool hopefully it works

(The tool lifts half the roof up)
(Hank and Katharine lift your the other half)
Charlie:Loraine we have to lift up the other half
(They lift up the other half and see superstar unconscious sprawled out on the recovery bed

Charlie:we need to get her out of there
(Loraine lets go of the roof and grabs the recovery bed and gets her out of there)
Katharine:we can't bring her to mr.murtah
Hank:yeah she is unconscious but I came prepared
(Hank puts sunglasses on her)
Hank:see good as new
(Everyone glares at hank)
Katharine:Loraine you and me will do a minor surgery and the two of you have to go help noras group Johnny is smart we need all the help we can

Johnny:good I have found the unbreakable crimson lance no one will beat me with this in my hands they are so gone so what if they found my wife Julia and recruited grace and Daniel I will be the only survivor by the time we get off this cruise

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