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Name: Durwyn

Age: 16-18

Nickname: Reindeer, Strawberry, Guttebarn

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Your OC

Parents: Anna and Kristoph

Siblings: yeah

Powers: None

Backstory: Hes exactly like his father, his name actually means Friend of Deer, Hes awkard, but a really good listener. Hes a nerd and doesnt have many, if any, friends

Looks: http://istockphoto.com/photo/teenage-boy-with-blue-jacket-red-hair-image-talking-conversation-gm511551907-47224062

Outfits: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/861876447423827037/

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Blonde

Piercings: one in his left ear

Tattoos: He has the North Star on his right wrist

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