Chapter Two

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"Wake up sleepy head"

My eyes flutter open, I groan and shut my eyes again when the bright light from the cabin hit me. Opening my eyes slightly, Connor's staring at me with an amused expression on his face. The hand I was holding has disappeared, and the seat next to me is empty.

"You might want to wipe your chin" Connor laughs pointing at his. "Next time we'll have to bring a bucket and mop"

I wipe my chin and realised I had been drooling well I was asleep. I grimaced and mentally kicked myself for falling asleep. You know how you have those people that look cute well they snap. I wasn't one of them! You can guarantee that my mouth will be catching flies or watering the garden.

"We just landed" Connor smiled. "You must of been tired, because you slept through the whole flight even landing"

"Where Is everyone?" I ask, realising it was just us on the plane. I start grabbing my stuff getting ready to walk out.

"They are outside waiting" he replied. "How come you rented a car? Some guy from the rental company dropped it off"

When realisation hits, I remembered that I had asked my Uncle George to organise a car for me well I was in New Zealand.

"Because I know Liam, I knew he would invite his flings. I didn't want to be stuck in a car listening to over enthusiastic hyenas for 2 hours" I mumbled. "So I asked Uncle George if he could organise a car."

"Well here's the keys" he laughs at my 'hyena' insult, throwing them on my lap. "By the way Beau is coming with you"

"Why isn't he going with yous?" I ask intrigued .

"Because Beau has some reports to finish off, and he couldn't do it on the flight with Sophie pretty much sitting on his lap" he says, I mentally cringe at the thought. "I told him to go with you, because it's not like your the most talkative person"

"How come your not coming with us"

"The car Dad rented is only a 2 seater. An Audi R8, you lucky bitch." He grunts, suppressing a smile. "Nothing but the best for his Leah."

I love my Uncle George, he stepped up as the father figure in my life when my parents passed.

"Now hurry up, everyone's waiting for us" he shouts, moving me out of the cabin to exit the plane.

Exiting the plane, I shiver as a slight afternoon breeze washes over me. "Here take my jacket" Connor offers, taking it off and draping it over my shoulders.

"Thanks" I smile gratefully.

Liam, Sam, Beau, and the three woman are standing by the vehicles. I see the beautiful black R8 glistening in the sun. Liam spots Connor and I walking towards them, which makes everyone look our way. Approaching them I see Sophie hanging off of Beau's arm, I quickly suppress the jealousy that threatened to rear its ugly head. I really need to get a grip.

"Yay Queen Leah has finally graced us with her presence" Liam shouts jokingly. "Your chariot awaits Miss Madam"

I rolled my eyes at him, as Sam and Connor laughs. Sophie, Veronica, and Lily just grunt, obviously unamused. Beau has a small grin on his face.

"Well we should get going" Sam insisted. "We still have a 2 hour drive to Tauranga, if we leave now. We should get there by 7 or 8"

Everyone nods their head in agreement.

"How come you can't come with us" Sophie whines, still clinging on to Beaus arm.

"Because I have some work to finish off, I need to concentrate without all the distraction" he smiles seductively.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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