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Everything was really feeling festive. It was their last year before they become pros. Heck some of them already made names for themselves. Look at Deku. He already has many fans...

And then there's Uravity. Well being a rescue hero also a slight combat hero she has gained many fans. But these two were happy to help people. Just like all the others.

But Todoroki and Bakugo weren't letting the number one seat go so easily. They were still interns under Endevour. The number one. The man to was thinking of stepping down and retiring. He had been a hero for so long he thought it was time to finally retire.

Todoroki and his relationship with his father seemed to have gotten slightly better. They could talk together about things. They would have a decent conversation and then agree on things and then not agree on things.

Honestly having Endevour as a teacher was probably one of the best things to happen to Izuku because he had learned so much under the man. It would be some what sad to see him go.

Lunch time came around the next day they were in school. Izuku sat with all the guys as the girls sat on their own. Izuku had to fight of the urge to go see Uraraka

All the guys were either eating or talking to each other. No wait. Not all of them. Kaminari wasn't there.

"Has anyone seen Kaminari" As though by cue Jirou had popped out of no where and asked

"Haven't seen him" Bakugo says trying to dismiss the girl

Jirou simply rolled her eyes at him then looked straight at Kirishima

"Have you see him" Jirou interrogated

Kirishima shook his head quickly and bowed his head

"I'm sorry I haven't seen him" He apologized

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen him since yesterday" Izuku said

"Did anyone see him at the dorms" the rest of class 3A boys shook their head. Jirpu let out a sigh

"Well if you see him, tell me" she told them. They all agreed watched her go

Izuku had queasy feeling. As though something was wrong. His got was telling him that

Kaminari didnt show up for class that day. At first they thought he was sick and so the guys decided to check his room.

Everything was neatly folded and tidied up. Nothing was out of the ordinary except the fact that Kaminari was not there.

However there was a note

Izuku picked it up and showed it to the rest.

"Had some business to do so don't worry....." There were several dots meaning he was looking for words to write. The paper was crumpled and was near the trash bin.

It was as though he decided to write a don't worry note but decided against it and threw it into the trash

The simple crumpled up note raised flags within the soon to be pros heads. They rushed out the room and started looking for any means to contact their classmate

When the girls heard the commotion and walked out they were stunned to see all the guys looking for Kaminari

"What's going on" Yaoyorozu asked

"There's are chance Kaminari could be missing" said Izuku

He tried to be as gentle as he could.

"We didnt see him yesterday and we haven't
Seen him today" says Todoroki

"But he left a note right, he went out so what, he should have left a note you sure you checked his room properly" Jirou asked annoyed but she was starting to get worried

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