You Can't Mean That

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Kyle shivered as cool air wrapped around his body. He wasn't sure how they had ended up this way, Kyle on top of his childhood best friend, pinning him in place as he forced water down the other boy's hungover throat. He wasn't sure, yet one thing was abundantly clear. Kyle Broflovski loved Stan Marsh. Stanley Marsh held in another wave of vomit as he stared up at Kyle, letting the clear liquid flow down his throat. He knew better than to get into his father's booze. He knew better, but when has that ever stopped him? His eyes finally locked into Kyle's green ones and he offered a watery, affectionate half smile. Stan Marsh loved Kyle Broflovski. He didn't know how to tell him. That broke Stan's heart. Kyle let a soft sigh escape him once Stan had swallowed the last of the water and slid off of him, setting the now empty glass on Stan's wooden night-table. He avoided looking at the blue eyed boy on the bed. Kyle hated loving Stan.

"What would I do without you Kyle?" came his voice, tired and scratchy. The voice that made Kyle go crazy.

"I don't know, Stan-" He responded monotonously

"-Nothing good." That much was true. Without Kyle, Stan was nothing but a wreck. Stan needed Kyle. Kyle did not need Stan. That broke Kyle's heart. Stan's hoarse laugh broke the tense silence and Kyle looked up to the raven with a startled expression.

"That's true. How do you know me so well?" Kyle looked away again, embarrassed.

"Because we're best friends, Stan." He stated shortly. The conversation was once again enveloped in silence until Kyle felt something cold wrap around his hand. Startled, the red-head looked down to find stan's pale hand linked with his own.

"I love you, Kyle..." Stan breathed, searching what he could see of kyle's face for something. A reaction of some kind. Kyle stiffend and pulled his hand away. Stan had said that before. Always platonically. It wasn't any different this time. That was untrue. Stan really did love Kyle. Kyle didn't believe that. Kyle didn't want to believe that.

"You're just saying that-" Kyle started, but he was interrupted by a pair of lips on the corner of his own.

"I'm not..." Stan mumbled, eyeing his friend with a grim face. Stan was scared out of his mind He couldn't live without Kyle. Kyle felt his freckled cheeks heat up and he whipped to face his super best friend.

"Stan, you can't mean that." Stan sensed something in the other boy's voice. Desperation? He let go of his hand, hurt.

"I do mean it, Kyle. Of course I mean it! I love you. I've loved you since Eighth grade!" Kyle's heart twinged slightly. Kyle had loved Stan much longer than that. Kyle had loved Stan since fourth grade. Kyle had loved Stan for nine painful years.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" He frowned at himself. His voice had begun to shake and the flat tone in his voice was slowly cracking away. Stan didn't seem to notice, and if he had, the ravenette didn't care. Stan was very dense. He always had been. This relieved the redheaded boy.

"I don't know Kye-" Stan started, moving away from Kyle. Gratitude and disappointment flushed over the jewish boy as he watched his best friend scoot across the bed. Kyle was conflicted. He wanted to be with Stan. However, just like anyone else, he didn't want to end up heartbroken.

"-I was scared, I guess." Kyle chewed his bottom lip. He didn't know what to say. Instead he moved into the open space on the bed, sitting next to his best friend since preschool.

"To be honest-" He breathed, putting his hand over the other boy's.

 "I feel the same way.." Kyle felt crushing relief. As much as it terrified him to admit, it felt good to say after all these years. Stan looked Kyle in the eyes and smiled warmly, breathtaking blue eyes releasing tears. He rushed forward and hugged Kyle, and for once in nine years, Kyle let his heart flutter unashamed. Stan turned Kyle's face towards his and touched to lips to Kyle's so gently it felt to the green eyed boy that Stan was afraid he would break.

"I love you." Stan repeated slowly.

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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