Asui Tsuyu x Fem!Reader

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(Y/N) was in her dorm struggling with Mic's latest worksheet on her bed when there was a knock at the door. She pulled on her earbuds and left them on the bed with her phone as she got up to answer it. She kicked a soft blanket off of her legs, groaning a little at the chill in the air that hit her bare skin. She knew that the dorms were super high-tech, but the glass of the balcony doors, even though they were double-layered with whatever special air between the panes like all the dorm windows, they were thin enough to let the cold seep into the rooms. (Y/N) found it really annoying, she didn't like the persistent chill. She might be more sensitive than her classmates thanks to her quirk.

But she wondered who would need to see her at this hour. It was past ten on a friday, and she was only in her room getting ahead on homework because Kaminari had called off movie night thanks to his friend group wanting to play Cards Against Humanity with each other and yet another breaking off to try a new restaurant in the city under Aizawa's supervision, apparently sponsored by rich kids Todoroki and Iida.

She opened the doors, and was surprised to see Asui Tsuyu. Ohhhhhh fuck. This is the first time that she's been alone with her! She'd admired her since the first day of school from the performance tests, her interesting quirk and blunt ruthlessness and humbleness were eye-catching, and it didn't help that she was... exactly (Y/N)'s type. Short, with long, pretty hair, that's like, the prettiest shade of green? Like, no offence to Mr. Glass Bones and Paper Skin, but Asui-- wait, she told everyone to call her Tsuyu-- had hair the colour of rich grass in the shadow of a forest from a Ghibli Movie. It's superior. She wouldn't take criticism. 

The thing is, though, that (Y/N) didn't have a friend group. Yeah, their class had been through a lot of shit together, and she's close with them, but the only people that she's ever hung out with is the group of girls, and that's only because.... well, they're the girls, you know? They gotta stick together.  Otherwise, (Y/N)'d say she's one of the most unremarkable people in 1-A. 

So why was Tsuyu standing in front of her door wearing a gigantic blanket like a scarf at 10:18 on a Friday night?!

"(Y/N)," she began, no preamble, and (Y/N) smiled. "Does your quirk work on people?"

(Y/N) laughed awkwardly. "Who are you, Midoriya?" Oh, ack. Tsuyu looked serious. She cleared her throat. "Yeah, but it can be dangerous if I'm not careful..."

(Y/N)'s quirk was called Printer Warmth. It's pretty self-explanatory; she could raise the temperature of any object by touching it, but not herself. From training it since elementary school, her default of just warming up things to the crisp coziness of printed paper had levelled up to the point where she could melt robots bigger than her old bedroom to a pile of white-hot sparking sludge. It still left the smell of printer paper in the air, though, like everything else. She tried once to use her quirk on her middle school best friend who had chronic cold hands, and it gave her the weirdest case of sunburn she'd seen. Of course, she panicked and made her mom take them to the hospital, but she was fine after a week of using aloe. 

Tsuyu blinked at (Y/N). "Can I come in?"

"Ah, of course!" (Y/N) stepped to the side and Tsuyu stepped inside just enough to give her room to close the door. She does so. They both stand there for a moment, Tsuyu staring at (Y/N) and (Y/N) staring at Tsuyu's feet. 

"Will you use your quirk on me? The dorms are cold."

"Hah, I know what you're talking about." Crap, no she didn't. She wasn't the one that had to fight off hibernation! "But... are you sure? I don't want to hurt you on accident."

"Yes, I'm sure. I trust your control over your quirk." Oh boy, if that didn't make her blush. (Y/N) cleared her throat and rubbed her arm. Goosebumps? Really?

"Okay, uh... do you wanna...?" (Y/N) hurried over to her bed, collecting her phone and worksheet and god, where did the pencil go? "Use the bed? I, uh, my quirk doesn't last long after I stop touching something..." This meant she was going to cuddle a cute girl. A girl she liked! Are they just gonna sit there? She should pull up Netflix or something... but what if she gets the wrong idea?! Tsuyu says something that (Y/N) misses in her panic. "What was that, Asui?"

"Call me Tsuyu. I said that's fine with me, kero."

"O-oh. Okay!" (Y/N) dropped her homework on her desk and hopped on the bed to rearrange her multitude of pillows into something they could lean against. She tries to go fast, because Tsuyu's standing right there waiting patiently for her, and she feels bad! She straightened up with a grin when she's done, yanking up the comforter and layered blankets in a gentleman's invitation.

Tsuyu blinked at her and offered her own small smile before gently taking the offered blankets in a large hand and sliding under them. She croaked in surprise. (Y/N) hopped a little in happiness. Even just heating up the blankets for her was nice! "Thank you," Tsuyu said, looking (Y/N) in the eyes as she scooted in beside her.

(Y/N) tried to convince herself that her face wasn't as red as Midoriya's max tomato mode. "It's, it's no problem." She just sat there for a moment, zoning out, before shaking herself out. Yes, the Asui Tsuyu was in her bed about four inches away from her, but she couldn't let this get too awkward!

So she pulled her arms out from under the covers with her phone in hand. "I have Netflix, so we don't hae to sit here awkwardly and make small talk."

"I don't mind small talk." (Y/N) looks over to Tsuyu. She's buried in the covers with only her fingers and face peeking out over the top. She has nice hands... (Y/N) kinda wants to paint her nails, but she only has black and there's no telling whether she'd like it.

"I think you'd mind mine," (Y/N) said, turning on her phone and tapping in her password with a chuckle. "I'm a mess."

Tsuyu's silent next to her while she opens the app. She starts to sweat. (Y/N) forgot she's not one to say mood or oof. What if she's concerned now?

"So, uh." (Y/N) clears her throat. "Oof. What do ya wanna watch?"

"I don't know what's on Netflix, kero. What do you like?"

"Um, there's a lot of good things! There's a lot of anime... and American superhero movies? Like, the classics?" She held the phone closer to the other girl as she scrolled down and narrated the stream. "Oh, and there's some really good comedy shows too! Just tell me if something catches your eye."

"That looks cute." Tsuyu said, pressing a finger against her cheek. (Y/N) turned the screen to herself, then pointed at Carole and Tuesday and turned it back.


"Kero," she nodded.

"That's a great choice. I really like the show myself." (Y/N) said, grinning. "It's about two girls finding that they're perfect for each other. Uh, musically, I mean. They're musicians. The songs're awesome too."

"Sounds good, then." Tsuyu said.

"Okay! Uh, great!" (Y/N) pulled her left arm back under the covers, settling in. She made sure her elbow was touching Tsuyu's arm so she could warm her up as well as the blankets while they watched.

"Oh, (Y/N)," Tsuyu said as a glowing ballroom appeared on screen and a narrator began to speak. "Here, have some of my scarf."

It was a little awkward to move around to share it, but (Y/N) was so giddy it was worth it. Once they got all the way under the covers again, Tsuyu leaned into (Y/N)'s shoulder-- definitely in an effort to make it easier to use her quirk. probably.-- and spoke up again.

"Sorry if I fall asleep on you, kero. This is really comfy."

"I'm glad," (Y/N) whispered, a little choked up, before pressing play on the video.


(thank you to friend @Elounaza for the req!!)

this'll probably be about the length of these one shots,, or shorter? idk i have Difficulties lmao

like, four more on the way bc i got my gc in on this skgbw.

edIT! she does end up painting her nails. tsuyu loves it. <3

please comment :'>!

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