Tethered Hearts

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The book I'm reviewing today is Tethered Hearts by sumeyaalington.

So for like the past few weeks I have been struggling to find a book that interested me on Wattpad. Does anyone struggle with not being able to find like a good book on wattpad for like a while? You guys should please recommend books for me to read because i can't find any. Anyway so i stumbled across this book and let me tell you that i could not put my phone down. I was literally yelling at my phone because of how frustrated i was at the main character. I could actually feel the rage bubbling up in me that i actually had to take a break before i broke my phone screen.  I was seconds away from chucking my phone across the room because i could simply not understand how someone could be do FREAKING STUPID TO... ( glitch noises).

Back to what I was saying this book will literally want to make you rage quit. But its so good. Its like a good rage quit, you know what i mean. It also has it's good moments which you'll be like "aww that's so sweet" or " i feel so single right now 😩".

All in all read the book. Another thing is that i really liked that it was set in a different time period than the present. It really showed you how different the world was back then. Read the book you would be pleasantly surprised.

Love, Mariam💖

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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