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3rd vision

In an enormous office, filled with magical artefacts, such as books and potions ingredients, and even lemon drops full of charms, like compulsive charms, hate charms and even the Forget charm, also known as obliviate spell, that makes a person Forget about things.

Besides having magical artefacts there was a poor bird that was captured and caged since the poor Phoenix was just a little cub ( idk what is called to a baby bird so…), the Phoenix was captured by a  fake light wizard , called Dumbledore, he is actually bad , very bad , he tortured and raped Childs, he stole and make so many people Forget and killed so many , Childs and adults , wizards and muggles, and he blamed all in the Slytherin , but the blamed almost all his kills in 2 persons

The 1st was a humble man , who fell in love with his fake friend Albus , his name was Garret , Garret Grindelwald, and he told his fake friend about his love towards him , and the manipulative Albus accepted and , behind his back , blamed him , killed everyone he wished and said it was Grindelwald’s fault , and , when poor Garret was arrested for ever , he didn’t knew why or how , but then he saw , his friend , his lover , there with a smile on his face and with a  different glint on his blue eyes,a machiviest one ; poor Garret just figured now that , the man he loved , was someone he didn’t knew   (Guys im gonna change the history cause Grindelwald never got out,just imagine that the movie of the fantastic beats and crimes of Grindelwald never exited ) and was sented to Azkaban poor Garret

But then , there was a little boy named Tom Riddle ,Tom Riddle was an orfan , just like others but he had different qualitys , just like speaking to snakes , which he learned later that was called parselmouth , he could make things disappear when he was angry and make the temperature colder, on his 11th birthday a man come in to his room , he looked nice and truthful , well that was what Tom thought, when he went to Hogwarts he was sorted to the house of snakes and Dumbledore looked very happy , and tom was happy too , Slytherin looked like evil for people that aren’t from the house , but slytherin is actually nice , most of them are purebloods but when the house was created by the owner Salazar slytherin  only people who were clever, ambitious and cunning were accepted but it changed with the time and  most of their members were abused in some way or by their guardians or family, or abused in a very traumatic way that made them never forget, and Tom was abused by his orphanage and that make the Slytherin be nice to him

truth was that Tom never ever killed anyone , he didn't open the Chamber of secrets and he did not kill Myrtle Warren, who killed her and who opened it was Albus Dumbledore ,albus told everyone that who killed her was Voldemort he inflicted charms on our poor Tom like hate charm and compulsive towards muggleborns and muggles , Dumbledore created Voldemort, and all he had to do was use a glamour to look like it

The people that didn't believe in him and the slytherins he told everyone that those were death eaters end he sent a lot of innocent people to prison just because they didn't believe in him

you must be thinking and what about that famous Prophecy about the child that was born at the end of the 7th month that was equal to Voldemort and one must die to the other survive ,well dumbledore faked it he used compulsive charms in Sybil the divination professor and the poor severus Snape  ,poor severus was abused by his father and only the Slytherin  understand him but Dumbledore told him that they were bad , they are going to hurt those he love , Lily Evans , his best friend , his sister , well she was until James Potter , he bullyed severus and stole his lily for him , he made her believe he was bad , and because severus believed in Dumbledore , he didn’t have no one left , but when he heard about the prophecy he told to some one on his house , Lucius Malfoy, and so he told Tom , he told him about the prophecy  that Dumbledore created , and so he made severus became one of hisand gave him the dark mark

(The “dark mark” is just a tatoo that means that you’re against Dumbledore )

Lily and James marryed just after school and baby Harrison was born , severus told them everything and dumbledore  killed them both because they were both leaving to the “Dark side” and Tom tried to save Harry but Dumbledore also kill him and then he send a cutting hex to harry , hurt his forehead, to help him to spread the story of the Boy who lived

Then all he had to do was to keep harry in submission , but how to do that better if not with abuse of the family , so , he closed lily and James will and took harry to his aunt's house in the muggle world , where he would pay her and her husband a thousand pounds , of course it would be from harry’s vault , to abuse and to kick all his magic out of him , oh poor baby such an horrible childhood he would have ...

Continuation on the next chapter

Hope you like it
Harry Potter doesn't belong to me
Xx Sofia

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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