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5 days later


-Wake up!

-Give me just a 5 minutes

-No!Come on I thinks you hated this place

-Yes I hate it more than people who tried wake me up before 7 am!

-So you hate me?

"Not on this way but yes"

-You can't say this normal



-Finally we left this place!Until once I want to live again!

And she surprised that I think she is weird

-Yes, so now I'm again stranger for you?

-No, You help me so you sentenced at me to the end of your life

-This sound like a penalty

-You are cruel!

She was offended at me and don't look at me
Maybe she is strange but she is freaking cute

"I'm not cute"

-Yes you are and don't argue

-You known me just for 5 days you don't known anything about me


-And you too, about me.Anyway where are we going now?

"To my hause"

-Okay so I can leave you .I should go to my...

"But you don't have any place to stay
I known more about you than you think"

-Okay you won this is true...but

-No but ,look we are already

We are already in the forest, and nothing building stay there.
But she take her hand up and say something that, I don't understand.
Suddenly a large castle appeared in front of us

-You live in the casle?

This place seems dark and beautiful in the same time
Something there was familiar
But what?

-Yes thats casle my family

-But it look like it have 300 years

-Exactly that 378 years, but you are close

-Wait why this is placed in the forest?

"Because that's a secret no one will know this exept me...and now you"

-You choose me?But why?



That's interesting she think I don't
know about this



"You are not a human"



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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