Chapter 19

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4 months went by and I lean down and pick up the covers off the floor.

" Hey, hey baby, easy with the bending down."

" Blue, I will fine. I promise."

" Still no bending down. I told you that I was going to clean up so you just." He lifts her up and carries her to the bed. " Relax and stay off your feet. I'll clean before we leave."

I finally got the courage to allow myself to see my father,  my mother and Max. Today is the day and I am quite nervous. He kisses me and my stomach. It is coming quite visible. Being pregnant is fun but annoying. I know that I am was already horny but oh my god, I want sex all the time. His touch turns me on and it just makes me want to just love the shit out of him.

   He cleaned up the house and they got ready to leave. She threw on a pair of overalls skinny jeans and a pink shirt with white shoes.

" Awe you look so cute baby." He grabs her and picks her up. " I could just eat you up."

To him she was so adorable. Her baby bump just made her so damn beautiful. All he wanted to do was kiss her and make love to her.

" Alright come on baby, we have a long day ahead of us." He puts her down and they head out the door.

   There it is, the correctional facility. She wanted to see her mom first because well Max and her dad was in the same place and she wasn't ready to face her dad just yet. Blue hops out the car and helps Red out. They walk in and get scanned. They walk down the hallway and there she was. Nicky Anderson. Red's mother. Red takes a seat across from her mom.

"  Red, what is it? This better be important."

" I came here to talk."

" If it's about what I think it is, I don't want to fucking hear it."

" Why not?"

" Nicole just let the shit go, if it happened."

" Why are you still denying this shit? It happened and you know it happened and you let it happen!"

" If it did happen why didn't you tell me? And who do you think you're talking to? I deserve respect."

" I did multiple times. You just chose not to listen. Respect? I deserved a good mother and father."

" Well what the fuck was I supposed to do?"

" Be my fucking mother! Hold me! Comfort me! Kick him out!"

" Then who was going to love me?"

" Me! Thats what the fuck kids are for, all I ever did was love you but you just pushed me away. You act like you never loved me."

" I don't! I never did, and all the lies you were telling me about your father just made it worst. Who would want to touch you? Look at you, you're ugly, stupid, a whore, and you're a liar, I don't know why I listened to my friends and kept you. I tried to kill you when I was pregnant with you but you just wouldn't' die. I don't even know why I wasted my time with you. Now these are minutes I'll never get back. I can't stand your fucking ass."

Red's eyes were bloodshot red as she cried tears of sorrow and anger.

" Red come on, we don't need this, the baby doesn't need this."

" BABY?!" She laughs." You just nasty Blue. She ain't shit, she'll never be shit."

" It doesn't matter what you think, she'll always be something that you're not. Free and loved."

Red gets up and walks away with Blue. Then she stops and charges at her screaming. She knocks her over and punches her.

" Hey, hey what's going on?" The police rush over to the scene.

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