✨!! Request Page !!✨

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If you want to request a oneshot, you can do so here under the pairing you want! Remember to give me a little bit of detail so I have an outline to follow. Whatever you choose is completely up to you! Also, if you have a Batjokes universe in mind that I don't have listed below, feel free to suggest it!☺️


If you want Nolanverse Batjokes, request here!

If you want Leto!Joker/Batfleck, request here!

If you want Burtonverse Batjokes, request here!

If you want Legoverse Batjokes, request here!

If you want Animated Series Batjokes, request here!

If you want Bruce/John Telltaleverse, request here!

If you want Arkham Asylum Batjokes, request here!

If you want Arkham City Batjokes, request here!

If you want Arkham Origins Batjokes, request here!

If you want Arkham Knight Batjokes, request here!

If you want Killing Joke-verse Batjokes, request here!

If you want Dark Knight Returns-verse Batjokes, request here!

If you want Justice League Action Batjokes, request here!

Things I Won't Write
- Rape/Noncon
- Abuse
- Self Harm of Any Kind
- Smut (Like no detailed sex, but things can still get steamy if you want)
- Pregnancy (i've got a phobia of it okay lmao)

Just keep it good, mkay? This is supposed to be fun!!😊

Batjokes OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now