"Care To Dance?"

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Dont play the music yet! I'll tell y'all when! It's not needed but it adds to the feels.
-PuffleHuff 💜

Jungkook's P.O.V
I thought prom was going to be WAY more interesting than this. Seriously, it's nothing like they make it in the movies. Sure the decorations were nice, and the music was decent, the food was pretty good too. But, everyone was out dancing with their dates on the dance floor. It made me feel lonely...
Don't get me wrong! So many girls had asked me if I wanted to go with them, but none of them felt right... Either they were too much of a popular snob, or they were to girly-girl. That was probably the problem; they were girls.
Ever since freshman year, I kind of realized that I never really felt anything towards women, but more so for men. It was strange, but also a relief.
Looking around the room, I noticed that literally no one not on the dance floor. I was the only one sitting at a table. But, my eyes caught a figure in the corner of the room. When I looked closer I realized it was Taehyung. His black suit brought out the deep brown color of his eyes, barely covered by his blonde hair.
It wouldn't take a genius to see how hard I've been crushing on Kim Taehyung. I'm surprised he hasn't realized yet. I don't know, something about his hair... and his face... Pretty much everything about him is perfect. But my favorite feature about him were his eyes. They reminded me of chocolate, smooth and sweet. It made my heart flutter every time I looked into them.
Crap... he saw me staring...
A smirk spread across his face and he began to make his way towards me.
CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! Okay okay... breathe, Jungkook, breathe... Relax... OH MY GOD HE'S COMING CLOSER!
"Hey, Jungkook, right?"
His voice was deep and smooth... It sent chills down my spine. I was at a loss for words, and simply nodded in response. He gave me a warm smile that could melt a heart within seconds...
"Why're you over here all alone?" he asked. I can do this... Just speaking to him can't be that hard right?
"I don't have a date. I only came here because Jimin forced me too," I answered simply. HAHA! I CAN TALK TO CUTE GUYS!
"That's a shame. You seem like a nice guy, and you're pretty damn attractive. I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to go to prom with you." GOSH DANG IT TAEHYUNG! WHY'D YOU HAVE TO SAY THAT?!
"R-Really? You think s-so?" I asked, trying and failing not to stutter. My face was probably tomato red... Why was I such a mess?
"Yeah! I think you'd be a great date."
"Heh... Funny you'd think that... I'm not actually that great of a dancer..." He raised an eyebrow at me.
"I'm sure you're not that bad. Maybe you just haven't had experience. That being said..." He extended his hand towards me and gave me a soft smile.
"Care to dance?"
He... he actually asked me to dance with him?! Kim Taehyung... wanted to dance... with me?!
My heart was pounding out of my chest, and I felt a little shaky. I was never good when it came to good looking men... Come on, Jungkook, say something!
"S-Sure!" I said in response. I took his hand and he pulled me up from my seat. Instead of pulling his hand away... he slid his fingers in between mine. His hand was soft and warm, but above all, comforting.
He dragged me onto the dance floor before turning around and stepping closer to me.
I was about to slow dance with the boy of my dreams...

God, I sound like a weird lovestruck high school girl...
Taehyung's P.O.V
I placed my hands on his waist but kept a safe distance. I didn't want to scare him... He already seemed nervous; not to mention how red his face was. I could hold a tomato next to his cheek and see no difference.... I found it cute.
(Y'all can play the song now :p)
He gulped before placing his hands on my shoulders. Another song began to play over the speakers and we began to sway from side to side. The tension between the two of us was so thick you could cut it with a knife... I needed to get rid of it... somehow.
I gave him the warmest smile I possibly could and pulled him closer. He panicked a little at first, but soon relaxed and smiled back. Just like that, the tension had vanished into thin air.
As the song continued, I began to notice the smaller features about Jungkook. The way his eyes sparkled made my heart skip a beat... How he had styled his hair somehow went perfectly with the navy suit he wore. I didn't think that was possible, for hair to match an outfit, but he managed to do it. His cheeks appeared to be soft, and I had to resist every urge to place my hands on them. When a strand of hair fell onto his face, I didn't hesitate to lift a hand and brush it away. If it was possible for him to blush any more, he did.
I began to think of all the times I had seen him around campus. Most of the time he was either studying or reading. He was the top student in almost every class. Heck he was so good at mathematics that he got to go to the math class I took; which was a year above him. I should ask him to tutor me... I could get closer to him and pass math; it's a win-win.
But for now, I just wanted to enjoy the dance. Having him close to me like this was comforting. I wanted it to be this way forever... It gave me a feeling of security and warmth, kind of like the feeling you get around Christmas time. (I'm a sucker for the Christmas season. It's my favorite time of the year :p)
Although I knew the night would end soon, I cherished the moment for what it was. Even if I never got to experience it again, it was nice to have gotten up the courage to ask Jungkook to dance. Over the past few months, I had felt something whenever I looked at him, or even heard his voice. Several times I had typed a message to Jungkook confessing my feelings, but I'd always delete it afterwards in fear of rejection. Now, I wasn't so sure he'd say no. Seeing him all flustered like this got me thinking, 'What if he liked me?'
One thing I knew for sure, however.....

Was that I had fallen for him...
Credits to an_average_army_exe for helping me with the title! I think the hardest part of writing is choosing a name for your story.
Anyways, I hope y'all like it! I came up with ideas for some one-shots during science class the other day, so expect a few more updates within the next few days :p
-imyourfilter 💜

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