Star wars: Rise of the Skywalker

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    Omg so today I just watched the movie and I'm dying, I have no one to fan girl with cause they don't know what is feels like to be a fan girl/boy and my best friend hasn't watched it and I don't want to spoil it, but it was Soooooooooo good I almost wanted to cry two Times in that movie.
Is there anyone who you guys that are reading this ship anyone in the movie, my ship is Reylo (Kylo Ren x Rey)

If anyone wants spoilers just message me and I'll gladly tell ya, I had so many theories on this movie and to see that some of them came true made my day... well night, anyway any of you readers have theories on the new movie I would love to hear it and I can tell you my theories too, maybe if I get a lot of readers that wanna know my theories I will post a chapter of all the theories I had and the ones that people told me to make me a little irritated.

If you guys are okay with spoilers let me know and I see how many are there to determine if I should have spoilers in the next or few chapters in this book.
Well have a nice day/night peace out ✌🏽

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