Day one- Saved by the bell

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"What do you need Allison?" I huff when she raises her hand for the fifth time that hour. "Mrs. Wilkins, why are we here?" God, Allison is a handful. "What do you mean Allison?" "I mean why are we alive, what is the point?" BRINNNG! I sigh, saved by the bell. I wave bye to Allison as my sixth period students file in. Ahhh, last period, but only of the first day. "All right class, I am Mrs. Wilkins and that is how you will address me. I will now take roll. Thomas Gret?" A boy in the front row raised his hand, "Sandi Morris?" A girl with jet black hair raised her hand high into the air, "Fredrick Asher?" A boy sitting in the back raised his hand then said, " You can call me Fred," I smiled. "Dana Hery?" A hand went up from the very back row and I looked back to see a small girl with long blonde curls. "Samantha Sheder?" " Here!" Shouted a voice from the back. "Please-" Ring, Ring! My cellphone lit up, I ran over and looked at the screen, Lisa. I read the text and it said she was in labor, great. I gathered my things and told the children to be silent, I walked to the office. "I must leave, its an emergency." I left without another word to head to Lisa Waler's house.


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