Entry One

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11.04.84 , 3:57 pm

UGHHH!! Today sucked! I got rudely awoken by Delilah (Auntie Melina's cat) at 6 in the morning! I don't wake up until 7! And since I was up first I had to feed all of Auntie Melina's cats! She has one cat who is THE SPAWN OF SATAN!! His/Her name is Tiger. Cute name but that cat is evil! It scratches me a lot for no reason. One time i was washing the dishes and Tiger slipped into the water and scratched me! it's not my fault you fell in the water you dumb cat. Today at school all my friends went on a trip, but I didn't go because trips are lame. I was alone all day! Except for lunch, this boy named Brian May sat with me because I wasn't sat with anyone else! He was so nice and attractive! He even invited me to sit with him and his friend's tomorrow! My friends ditched me today so I'll ditch them tomorrow. When I got home from school I got a spanking by Grandma Deaky because I "forgot" to feed Tiger. That cat deserved it after all he's done to me. I knew that I shouldn't have left that note saying I fed all the cats, and I didn't feed Tiger so that earned me a hard spanking and I'm grounded for a week! If I didn't leave that note they would've though Grandma Deaky didn't feed Tiger so she'd have to give herself a spanking. If Auntie Melina gets another cat from hell I'm running away with Brian.

- Rogerina ♥️

P.S. If I'm dead with scratch marks all over me, it was Tiger.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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