Chapter 1

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"Mya get up " junior shouts across the room. "Get up,  there is no food in the kitchen and mama is not home."

Everyone hates mondays and i ain't no different. Ever since my mama started hanging out with the drug heads across the street she is never home. And when she is home she hollowing across the room about how no one loves her and how she only trust God and a molly.

She wasnt always like this believe it or not she was actually kind hearted and caring. Since me and junior's pops died all mama does is sleep around and drug herself to death, While im stuck watching my brothers.

*Knock knock* " Mrs Johnson, my moms not home and there is no food Inside." *knock knock* "Mrs johnson please."

As she opens the door looks at each one of us and sighs "come on in and hurry up bus will arrive soon."

As my siblings get on the bus Mrs Johnson brushes my hair and wipes my sweat with a warm rag. " Are you ok hun? " she asked

" yes, mama just forgot thats all."

"Are u sure?" She says as if she read my whole life in the palm of her hands.

The honking of the bus saved me from her words of wisdom " thanks alot miss johnson i'll see later ok!"

As i get on the bus everyone stares at me as if i just comitted a murder. My bestfriend amariah was saving me a seat with her old coach bag she got last Christmas.

" Mya what happened with you last night,  Girl looney's party was hype and there were so many  fine ass brothers was there."

I really  wanted to go but i couldnt picture a night leaving my siblings with Micheal.

" You know im not a party girl and besides all those boys only want is some pussy and im not the one to give them that."

The bus stops and i aim to be the first of to get off. I grab amariah's hand as we walk to my locker.

I was always jealous of her,  i mean why not she have the life i always dreamed of. A mom thats is always home and father thats Still at home. She doesn't know how lucky she is.

In class i was the main attraction of the year. Girls was eyeing me like i slept with their man or something. I continue to finish the last problem in Mr Chambells work sheet

Suddenly as i turn my head one of these bitches who was eyeing me start walking towards me.

"Word around the street you and ur home girl gets down with whole school".

Ooh i shoulda slapped her ass. She think she the baddest bitch in this school.

" first of all who the fuck is you to be coming to me with some bullshitty ass story like that?"

She gave me a sarcastic grin "you must not have heard what your friend did at looneys party last night, but its not my place to bring up dirty laundry".

As she walK back to her table i slowly try to recap last night like i was there.

What happen... ( be continued feb 17)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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