↪Chapter 10↩(✔)| first day as a maid

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I woke up but not on the floor but placed on the bed..I just remember that night I was fall asleep in the floor but...whatnever.

I stand up and went to the bathroom when I was to go inside someone knock on my door .

I opened the door and surprisely Lisa unnie was on the door.

Lissa!! What's up?

Hello y/n, this is your uniform.. And I heard that your gonna be a maid?!

Yea the reason that I want to be a maid is that.. jimin just called me his maid...so why not to get it real?

Lisa punch my shoulder slight as a friendly.

Yah! If I was you , I will don't do it.. I mean you got everything .. You can just watch TV.. And then ordered us something you want..just like a princesses life.

My be I just don't wanna lived like princesses.. I just want to lived in my own.. That have a hardnest. I want to get what I want with my own hard work.. Unlike other..

*sigh* that's my y/n.
Just get ready your the chef from now on. I just figure it out that your good at cooking. So I placed you there.. Are you ok with that?

Yes I'm fine with that!

Ok I will be waiting for you at the maids room ok. Good bye y/n

Good bye unnie.

By that she went downstairs and I closed the door.

I went to the bathroom and wear the uniform that Lisa gave me
(if you were curious what uniform is that just look at the picture up there👆🏻)

After taking a shower I went downstairs and went to the maids room..

*knock knock*

Come in

I open the door and went in

Lisa unnie, I'm ready!

Come with me i show you your place.

After that she right i was the chief and I'm happy for it..

I ask lisa "should i cook now?"

And she said yes.

So i start to make an kimchi, fried eggs, and meat... When i was done making it , its time to serve it to jimin and irene..

Umm..lisa? Can you serve this to sir jimin? I just can't se-see him or make a-an eye contact..

Sure.. Leave it in here.. Can you please trow the garbage? I don't have much time to do it.


As lisa told i grab the garbage and went towards of the outside of masion.. When i arived their i start to separate the plastic and the left over foods and blaah blaah..

When i was doing it , i just felt someone's srating but i just ignore it and continue my work..

??? Pov

See you there.

Just a little bit longer then we will be together..

See you soon babe.

??? End pov.

Y/n pov

I finished it but my feeling is that their still staring... I just ignore it again and went inside..

When i was inside i just heard lisa calling me so i went towards it

Yes lisa?

I'm sorry y/n but i can't serve them..

What why?

Miss irene request you to serve them..
In their date.

Umm.. What should i do? I don't have anh choices neither..soo..

Ahh just don't pay attention to them.. Just put the plates in their table and then done..I'm so sorry i can't do what your request i can't do anything neither.

*sigh* ok.. Fine.. I'm goin-

Where's the foods?


I grab the troller with foods in it and went to them..

I just ignore jimin neither irene i just serve their foods.. While i felt irene smirk.."just ignore her y/n..serve the food and then done"

Why don't you join us y/n?

No thank you..

Why? Since it's our date why don't jimin invite his friend rigth?

No thanks i just don't like stealing someone who is with someone else.. Not like others.. They know that they were dating but still.. You know..they like bieng a slut. * i deeped my voice when i say slut..just to get her what i mean*

Ohh did your boyfriend broke up with you?

Ohh my bad.. Do you planning to get a revenge?

No, but I'd make his life hell, but I'll just sit back and watch him do it himself..

Can i know he's name?

A big smirk glow in my face..

Don't play bumb, i know you know.. Just eat your food that i made.. Enjoy..
*i smile at her and when to lisa.*

Ohh.. That's was savege..

From now on.. I will never show my weak side.. I've been hurt enough, and now , it's my turn..

End of part 10.
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Word counted: 851.


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