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Red flickered around the small living room as the TV channel showed pixelated images of the bloodbath that had occurred not too far from where you lived. The reporter stumbled over their words, apparently appalled at what just became breaking news not even ten minutes ago at 2 in the morning. Something like this had not been seen since the 1980s, a bit farther north in Illinois, a town called Haddonfield.

The words and pictures merely passed you by however as you watched, not really taking in the story as it unfolded. It ended with the local reporter firmly suggesting that anyone within a 30 mile radius should remain indoors with all entryways locked or otherwise travel with companionship.

With a yawn, you stood up from the modest couch, your cat fleeing from the sudden movement with a jingle of their bell. Clicking the TV off, you stumbled through the darkness towards the trash-can and pulled off the lid to start tying the bag. It was the last thing you needed to do before you could finally lay down to bed that night. Sleeping was all you really wanted to do as of late through your bouts of insomnia.

Stepping through the doorway and out into the brisk, cold, November air, you closed the door behind you and slung the heavy sack over your shoulder. It had been too long since you had bothered to take the trash out. After all, it was only you in the single bedroom apartment and you grossly underestimated how much trash that you could single-handedly produce.

The complex was poorly lit, so you used the dim light as best you could to see where you were going, picking your way across the slightly snowy ground while trying to not trip on the small patches of ice forming. Unfortunately, the dumpster for the place happened to be on the opposite side of the acre-wide lot, and you had to go over poorly kept concrete and frozen grass. You hadn't bothered to put on shoes and all you wore was a knee-length sweater dress that had a cracked skull on it. This cold didn't bother you, for many reasons.

A shiver went up your spine as you threw the bag into the receptacle at last, but it wasn't from the cold. Looking slightly over your shoulder, you scanned around the trees and buildings, wondering if maybe one of the neighbors had taken out their dog to use the bathroom. There was nothing though, not a sound or shadow hanging around the small area from what you could see. With a shrug, you started on your trek back to the apartment, thinking of how much nicer your dreams would be from your current reality, how soft your pillow would be under your head.

Suddenly from your right, there was a loud snap, and you froze, looking directly towards the noise. Once again, there was nothing. No humans, no pets, nothing at all. You bit your lip, suspicious, but decided to just keep walking. What could there be of any interest, if they never bothered to show themselves?

Now you heard it behind you, soft footfalls of a phantom across the grass, onto the concrete as it stalked your pathway. As it was, you were the only idiot to go out at night alone with a legendary killer once again on the loose. Or were you truly that stupid? You knew you didn't really care. You had been reckless lately, and now was no different, perhaps this would be the time where you finally let your carelessness get the best of you. As the footfalls sped up, yours slowed noticeably, but you didn't even bother to look back, bracing for the feel of steel ramming into your spine.


The cops were nowhere to be found, especially in this quiet little place that he had only ever driven through before. They were too focused on the bodies he left behind, the worthless husks of people that had only gotten in his way as he looked for Laurie Strode. She hadn't been in Haddonfield, she clearly hadn't for a long time. She was hiding, much to his annoyance, and now he had to find her. Laurie probably wasn't even in the state anymore. This was going to take a while.

Fateful Legends Book One (Michael Myers x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora