Chapter 1

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The day finally ended, with what seems to be like 48 hours concealed within 24 hours. The members of BTS was dismissed after having a long day at the company, writing songs for their next album, and discussing about upcoming events.

Normally, Yoongi would be more than pleased to finally be able to rest after the day of labour, but the weigh on his mind will seriously affect the male's ability to relax.

He made his way back to the dorms, alone, that was how he usually were. He decided to reject the other member's offer to head for a walk outside, since he would rather use his remaining energy to walk back to their dorms instead.

He turned the key, unlocking the door to their room, then taking a few steps into the empty room, closing the door after.

Usually the dorms would be more than just noisy, up to par with being compared to a zoo. Obviously, with loud members like Taehyung and Hoseok, sometimes with Jungkook and Jimin joining in the ruckus, the place can never be too quiet.

Thankfully for the fact that he's alone at the moment then, peace and quiet was definitely what Yoongi needed to think at the moment.

Yoongi sat on his bed, unzipping his bag and took out an envelope. An opened envelope. He stared at it for a few moments in silence, deep in thought.

“Yoongi ah-” A concerned voice called out from outside the door, interrupting his thoughts.

He quickly shoved the envelope back into his bag out of instinct, and got up standing beside his bed as the door opened.

“Hyung” He greeted, trying to hide his nervous expression, which worked unsurprisingly. "Thought you headed out with the guys?"

Seokjin stood by the door, nodding softly then explaining his stand.

“Yeah, but I decided to head back just in case you needed something, but I was too slow and lost you just minutes after we separated. I guess Jungkookie was right, my legs are getting old and weak-”

Yoongi widen his eyes slightly, not at Seokjin deciding to come back for him, but at the fact that the narcissistic hyung would actually call himself old. How weird, just almost impossible.

“But my face? Ah, it just keeps getting more handsome.”

Yoongi sighed softly, then nodding casually.

“Why aren't you coming in?”

Yoongi asked, as his hyung still stood there, not moving an inch from the door.

“Well, that's because-”

Seokjin held the side of the door, his cheeks raising softly, and Yoongi then knew what was coming up.

“I'm a(door)able.”

Yoongi sighed, shaking his head.

“Hyung, that was bad.” Being the least appreciative of the other's punny efforts. “I did needed something if that's what you came back for, but definitely not those horrible jokes.”

“Ah Yoongichi, if you'd learn to appreciate.”

“Your jokes are nothing to appreciate.”

Seokjin felt the burn for a second, then shook his head, still chuckling slightly from before, more than used to Yoongi's apathetic expressions.

Making Yoongi laugh at his jokes was sort of his on-going goal, since the male was the only one who had never done so. Yoongi never saw his jokes in the slightest humourous light, just lame. Yoongi thought it would hurt his own pride if he were to laugh at them, also he couldn't bring himself to laugh at all, it makes him angry sometimes, which was a little extreme, but really, he was always the first one in the group to get his jokes, just not inclusive of the humour part.

Seokjin had more than just those few jokes, extremely passionate as the expert of his dad jokes and also confident in his sense of humour.

“Well okay, if you think my jokes are bad, how about...” Seokjin hesitated for a second, stepping inside the room then looking around, thinking while also searching for something.

Then, he laid eyes on an envelope tucked safely in an opened backpack by the side of Yoongi's bed.

“Ah hah!” Seokjin made his way there slowly but surely, picking it off and above ground.

“Wait-!” Yoongi called out when he made out what Seokjin was thinking of, but it was too late, the envelope is right in the hands of his hyung.

“What? I just needed this for a joke, I won't do anything else.” Seokjin grinned, proceeding ahead with his joke, holding the envelope by two sides, as if he were going to tear it up.

“This piece of paper is pretty funny, but you'll think he's... (Tear)able, unlike me right?” Seokjin burst into huge fits of laughter, his windshield wiper laughter echoing in the room.

“Jin hyung...” Yoongi's eyes were literally filled with disappointment while Seokjin have his celebratory mic drop moment.

“Ah alright, fine fine. I'll let you have your peace so you can meditate and go on your way to cultivation.” Seokjin joked, laughing hard right after making that comment.

All he earned was an eye roll from Yoongi.

“Saw that, I see them rolling, you hating.”

Another round of laughter then took over the silence of the room.

Why is this hyung like this?

“Alright, fine, I'll really stop this time. I'll just take a quick shower then. You just rest, alright?”

“Mm." Yoongi replied with a sound of acknowledgement.

“Well, there you go, safe and sound.” Jin exclaimed, placing the envelope upright on Yoongi's bed, still laughing from before, with slight tears by the side of his eyes.

“Phew.” Yoongi heaved a sigh of relief. Thank god that hyung didn't see what the content was, or he'll have a lot of explaining to do. Plus, knowing Jin hyung, he'll probably have to pacify the male's emotions as well.

Seokjin was about to turn away, and it was then something caught his attention that changed his thought about it as just a random letter.

Why is YG's logo printed on the envelope?!

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