Nine Months After Palpatine's Death

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I felt awful chills stab across my back. My face glistened in sweat as my nose scrunched in agony. Occasionally I screamed and stumbled around the care center.

Every time my eyes had been squeezed shut, I saw Ben trying to settle me. I could feel Ben trying to help me, his presence was wrapped around me like a blanket. My eyes drained of life.

My skin turned ashen gray and my face deformed into skeletal features. Nurses leftover from the cause helped me by laying me down on a bed. I gripped the metal frame of the bed ever so solid that it snapped under the undefined strength that was coursing through me.



"Stop it!" I clung to my ears and ripped apart the bandage station in the corner of the room.

"It's me"

"It's not you, get out!" A high-pitched squeal escaped my throat and pierced the nurses ears. Water ran down my legs as I corner myself to cry.

"Get her up here, now!" A doctor had screamed to his nurses.

"Don't touch me!" I screeched back, slamming the doctor against the wall. My head rolled foreword at the feeling of warmth in me. Blood had begun to pour and swirl around the floor. There was so much that my feet became stuck to their positions. I rolled my eyes lazily before I collapsed in a pool of my own crimson blood.

"Get her on the damn table while she's weak!" The doctor had caught his breath now. The doctors moved my body to the table where my limbs sprawled off of the sides. Is this what Ben had wanted? Did he know our child would make me poisoned? Was this what I truly wanted?

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