Chapter 1: " He saved me..."

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Ash was trying to protect his pokemon when mew two took them away....Thus making the other trainers get angry and atack with there pokemon....Ash ducked after a blast got to close to him....He went to hide after he made sure pikachu was okay... But he then saw mew two not paying attention and the blast would either kill him...( it wouldn't...) or hurt him.... Ash seeing this, ran out shoved at the person...who 5 min ago...was about to kill him....and shoved him out of the the blast hit him.

" what the hell?!" mew two said " HUn! fool what the hell do you think you're doing?!"

ash looked at him 

" I really don't know....but i  can't stand violence.....that envoles people getting hurt....i try to fit in but i don't....i become friends with my poke mon.....i'm sorry....." ash said as the blast hit him

" ash! " misty yelled

mew two eyes widen as the boy fell to the ground.....Corey...took one look and stopped what he was doing...

the next moment was all a blur...he heard a buzzing sound as misty and Brock ran to his aid.... mew two stood there in shock that he would help him.... he gave a small mew two and said his last words before darkness

" It's okay...mew two...i'll be okay.....don't worry about me....and i'm sorry about what happened to you......i'm sorry......." ash said before darkness

"ASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" misty screamed at his knocked out body...

Brock ran over

" .........He's alive.....but.....he needs Medical atention pronto!" Brock yelled

mewtwo still stood there as a girl ran over with a first aid kit she had packed....

She then turned as over ripped his shirt off and began cleansing and banding his wounds.... meanwhile Corey ran over with some water to help her... Mewtwo was still in shock...why he would have killed him without a thought,.. no remorse...yet this boy knew that , and  he had choose to save him... mewtwo suddenly began walking over....misty jumped out and made a blockade with her did Brock and Corey....

" leave him alone you done enough to him~!" misty yelled

" yeah what she said!" Brock yelled

" what i do not do and do is none of your concern! now step aside...." mewtwo said

" yeah sure thing......OVER MY DEAD BODY~!" Misty yelled 

" very well...." mewtwo said as he shoved misty into a wall

"!" brock grunted as mewtwo shoved him away as he did again with corey before.....picking up ash....

" LEAVE HIM ALONE!" misty yelled getting up

" Do not dare to defy me!" mewtwo said as his eyes glowed and shoved misty away...

Mewtwo looked at ash before heading  to another room...

Once he was in the room was actualy a chamber of sorts......he then laid ash on a bed thing before using his tech to heal the boy....

ash grunted....a bit as mewtwo worked on his body....

"pikachu......" ash mumbled

" pikachu?" mewtwo asked

" Pikachu...get out of here..... it's no safe...i'll be okay....." ash mumbled

Mew two eyes widen....

" he's out....but he still cares for his poke mon....." mew two said to himself....

" nrgh..... gary.....leave pikachu alone!!!! if you are gonna hit it to me!" ash yelled

 mew two was in shock once more...ash was knocked out but talking.....

" he stills cares for them....why.....why does he?!" mew two said to himself....

when he heard a bang....

he turned and saw joy scrambled to her feet....and try to run.....mew two caught her and forced her over to him

" It appears you are still useful......i want you to watch over this boy until he awakes when he does alert me....understood~!" mewtwo said

" y-yes!" joy wisppered 

" good....i will return!" mewtwo said walking away

" i'm so sorry kid...i'm so sorry...." joy said as she cryed....

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