Chapter 2: My Kidnapper Wants... Answers!?

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ash groaned as he woke up....he saw a woman from ealier gasp and run over to him

" Oh i'm so sorry! This is all my fault i let him use me into tricking you and everyone else here!" joy said crying and hugging him

" No it's not your fault....." ash said

' I belive i said to tell me when he woke up....not to hug and cry on him...." mewtwo said

" Mewtwo! Leave her alone she hasn't done anything to you!" ash said trying to protect her....

" what i do is no of your concern! now move before i make you...." mewtwo said

" No....i don't want anyone else to get hurt!" ash yelled

" you really are making my head spin move!" mewtwo said making ash move he shoved joy out of the room before placing ash back down on the bed....

ash grunted as he was forced back down

" now that ...she is gone i want answers!" mewtwo said

" Answers?!" ash said

" yes...i want to know why you saved me!" mewtwo yelled

" Because i don't want anyone else to get's not right..." ash said

" the only one?!" mewtwo yelled causing ash to flinch

" i don't understand what do you want me to say?" ash said

" I don't know....." mewtwo growled as he punched the wall

" I'm sorry....but i don't like it when people get hurt! Even people who hurt me , or my friends ..." ash said

mewtwo sighed.....and stood up

" i must be going we will continue this conversation latter...." mewtwo said

" hun?! You can't just leave me in here!" ash yelled trying to get up but mewtwo restrained him....

" I will do as i see behave and stay here....or they.....will pay the price......" mewtwo said pointing to a screen with misty and brock tide up....

" MISTY! BROCK!" ash yelled

" if you do not behave....they will suffer...." mewtwo said walking away....

ash felt limp and cried onto a pillow...

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