Chapter 4

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POV: Sophie

"That was too easy." stated the figure in the front bearing the voice of Ruy.

"Yeah," Wylie spoke up, "every time we say something among those lines, the plan messes up and we have to improvise, so I suggest you run along now."

"That is because the Black Swan is weak." remarked Ruy. "The Black Swan is almost finished, as you all will be if you make any attempts to leave or fight back."

"And what is it you want?" Dex questioned.

"We want our members back," Gisela said, pulling back her hood and revealing her botched face.

"I thought you told Keefe to stay out of the Neverseen," I reminded her.

"I believe she meant is Mr. Song and Glimmer," Vespera voiced.

"And what makes you think we are just going to hand them over?" Stina croaked. The fact that she was scared was tangible.

"Hmm, lets see here," a new voice entered the conversation.

"Wait!" my mind was reeling. "Trix, the guster?"

"Correct Sophie," Trix told me. The mention of my name in his mouth caused me to shudder. "Now, allow me to show you what happens to people who mess with a guster!"

"Your not the only guster here!" shouted a girl. No one knew where her voice came from until a robin plummeted out of the sky and took on the form of a girl with sky blue eyes and blond hair. She looked exactly like me, except for the fact that she had blue eyes and pale skin. I yelped and stumbled back, as did the rest of Team Valiant.

"Lets fight wind with wind, shall we?" she said confidently. Before I could tell her it was too dangerous or ask who she was, she sent a blast of air at Trix and the battle had begun.

POV: Alxa

I appeared alone at the base of a magnificent castle, but now was not the time to marvel at human architecture. This is the moment I had been training for, and I had to save my sister.

Taking on the form of a robin, I soared up toward the top of the castle wall and landed. I had to wait for the right moment to enter, because I knew that my entrance would signal the beginning of a fight.

I watched and observed my opponents. There were five cloaked figures, and five teenagers, though one looked seriously injured. Four teenagers against five fully trained adults didn't seem fair, I noted. That is what I was here for.

I chirped when I realized that the leader of the teenagers looked about the same age as me. She had long blonde hair, fair skin, brown eyes, and looked so much like me, spare two differences. I came to the realization that she was my sister.

I was jerked out of my fantasizing when a figure stepped to the front of the group and began channeling the air around him. He was a guster, I knew it, and only other gusters would be able to realize this based off of the way the air moved. A well trained guster would be no match for them. It was my turn to fight.

"You're not the only guster here!" I yelled as everyone looked around to see where my voice had come from. I flapped my wings and circled the air above everyone before diving and landing as an elf directly in front of my sister.

"Lets fight wind with wind, shall we?" I told the guster.

I called to the air around me to assist me in my battle, and it willingly agreed to be my ally. Great news for me, not so great for my opponent. This was going to be fun. I raised my arms and shoved the air, now wind, forward. That was only the first move. What was important was everything that came after.

Sorry guys, short chapter, but I am already working on the next one. It will be great, and you will love the spark-filled scene when Alxa unleashes her abilities on the Neverseen.

I can assure you, this story will not only be action, but will include some Sokeefe and Sophie and Alxa attempts at being normal teenagers. Thanks for reading. I'll update soon.

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