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Cesar's POV:
I've been living on my own since a few months after me and Monse ended things. I love it here but it just reminds me how much things have changed. "Cesar!" Noel yells. "What?" I ask, confused. "You were zoning out, anyways we really need to find out what we're doing after high school." Noel tells me as she throws herself on to my couch. "I thought we already had a plan." I laugh. "Letting me go to college and pay for everything is not a plan." She rolls her eyes. "You Can still go to school." She tells me. "Yeah what am I supposed to put on my application? Gang member, never volunteered, failed most classes?" I ask her. "Or you could say dedicated young dad with a bad past who wants more for his son." She smiles. "Or you could always enlist. My dad said he's always looking for more soldiers." She says and I shake my head. "Exactly so college." She insists. I decide to just ignore her. "I heard there was supposed to be a party tonight, it could be fun." She says. I look at her and the eyes and smile. "This is fun." I laugh. "I mean fun with other people." She says with her eyebrows raised. "It's at Ruby's house." She points out. "So that means you're not going?" I ask. "I only come back to Freeridge when I want to see you." She smiles. "Babe, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you need to get out of your Brentwood bubble." I laugh.

Monse's POV:
Jesús plays with my hair while we watch tv in my room. It's finally summer which means a lot less stress for the both of us. "Why do you still have that." He says pointing at a picture of Cesar and I at the beach. "I look good in that picture." I shrug. "Not with his arms rapped around you." He shakes his head. I get off the bed and throw the picture in my closet. "Better?" I ask. "Definitely." He smirks. "Sometimes I wonder-" I start and he cuts me off. "Wonder what would've happened if you stayed together?" He asks. "Jesús, calm down. I was just going to say I wonder what would've happened if we all stayed friends, that means Ruby too." I smile. "Same thing as now you'd be here alone with me." He kisses me slowly. Suddenly someone throws themself on top of us. "What are we watching?" Jamal asks as he asks as he eats a bag of chips. "You mind?" I ask as I push him off of me. "Oh I am so sorry!" He gasps. "Of course I'll sit in the middle!" He laughs. "I get a few hours alone when Mateo naps and I always forget that Jesús has a son." I laugh at Jamal. "You wish your son was as cute as me." Jamal rolls his eyes. "Did you tell her about the party?" Jamal asks Jesús, with a mouth full of chips. "What party?" I ask. "No, we're not going." Jesús knows I hate when he speaks for me. "We're going." I smile at him. "Great you'll finally get to see Cesar again. How long has it been, six months?" Jamal asks. "Yeah. My dad's been taking dropping Mateo's house.I tell Jesús, he hates when I see Cesar. "It's Ruby's party, I doubt you want to go to that." Jesús says. "It's been a long time I'm not still mad at him." I shrug. "What about Mateo? I'm not going to watch him." Jesús says. "Yeah my dad can do it." I tell him. "Whatever happened to you and Ruby anyways?" Jesús changes the subject. "It's not a big-" Jamal cuts me off. "It was the end of the love story of the century, Cesar and Monse were done. Ruby, being who he is, didn't believe it for a second. He told Monse, she was a dumb ass for ever getting with him in the first place and that she was going to be the reason none of us ever spoke again." Jamal goes on with his monologue. "That's all?" Jesús asks. "No this lasted up until you two started dating. Ruby, in a drunken rage after his break up with Jasmine, said he wished Monse never moved to Freeridge and that she destroyed every good thing in our lives." Jamal takes a deep breath after rambling. "I over reacted and stopped talking to everyone expect Jamal. Cesar was barely around anymore." I explain. "So you're over it?" He asks. "Of course." I shrug. "So let's go." Jesús says. "You want to go too?" I raise my eyebrows. "I'm not leaving you alone with him." "You'd seriously think, after all of this, anything could happen with me and Cesar?" I ask.

Hours Later:
Monse's POV:
"We can never tell anyone about this." I mumble as Cesar kisses my neck. "Wouldn't dream of it." He laughs. "Me neither." I kiss him as I sit on top of Ruby's bathroom sink. There's a knock on the door and we both freeze. "Hurry up there's like thirty people waiting out here!" A girl whines and we both laugh a little. A few minutes later there's another knock so I hop off the sink and open the door. Cesar stands behind me with his hands on my hips and I sober up when I see Jamal. "No!" He screams before he walks away. "At least it wasn't your boyfriend." Cesar laughs. "You're an idiot, I can't believe this almost happened." I chase after Jamal.

Present time:
Monse's POV:
"I guess you're right, you're not dumb enough to go back to him." Jesús smiles and I just stare straight at my closet where I just dumped the picture. "Yeah, I can only make a mistake so many times." I mumble. Jamal gives me a weird look almost like he knows what I'm thinking. "Besides you're both in relationship." Jamal reminds me. "Don't remind me." I say and they both turn and glare at me. "I mean, you don't have to remind me." I try and play it off but they both look suspicious of me. "Yeah, right." Jesús looks me up and down. "It's not like you'd ever go back to your ex." I laugh. "It's not the same thing." Jesús shakes his head. I smile awkwardly and try to act like I'm not secretly excited to see Cesar again. "You don't think he's going to bring his girlfriend, do you?" I ask. "Oh my God." Jamal covers his face with his hand.

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