it makes me sick ( the begining of something)

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(George's pov)

It makes me sick. How lovely,  dovely they are with each other. How after 5 years of us going out on dates, making love, holding hands and making out she had left me, alone. I need her. Now after going out with that brown haired looney, she has married him and left me behide in the dark. How could she? I thought she loved me. When we were together she wooed me every night.

     I thought this as I brought the bottle of very expensive whiskey to my lips and took a huge gulp of the devils liquior. I had brought this just after there wedding. I think that has to have been the most unhappily wedding I have ever been to. Watching her walk down the isle to someone eles. She couldn't even look me in the eye. Wow what this whiskey doing to me. It was sending me to the darkest place I have ever been in my life. Suddenly I felt on top of the world. I felt invisible. Then I felt so lonely.  All my friends have somebody to love. John has yoko and sean, Paul has Linda, Ringo has Courtney and Eric has Pattie.  I did have whiskey.  Sweet, sexy, seductive whiskey.  Just like Lauren.  Lauren fucking MOON!!! The moon stole my bird. Fuck you Moon. Fuck you Keith Moon. I might as well die for all people care. Where the fuck is Eric to help me through me troubles.  Oh yeah, he is with his wife, Pattie.

      Might I add that I have loved Lauren since the day I meet her. I dumped my ex ex girlfriend for her, gloria. I met her at the cavern club. When she was watching her brother play with rory storm and the hurricanes. Boy, were they a shit band. There singer was as flat as a fart, there base player and lead guitarist were out of tune. It was only Ringo thag was keeping them going. Boy, he is a brillant drummer, even better than Pete Best and all our past drummers. I have no clue ehat there names were. LOL.

      I am 25 years old and I am still all on my own. I have no girlfriend or wife nor a child. I am so lonely,  I might as well be dead. Everyone would be so much happier.  A tear crawled down my face. I brought the bottle of whiskey back to my lips and took a huge gulp of the liquid that smoothly burn down my throat. I picked up a piece of paper and a pen. I know what I was going to do to get my Lauren back. I will charm her back by firstly writing her a song.

        I sat there thinking about our love and what it was. I sat there for an hour and then the first few line came to me:

  something in the way she moves
  attracts me like no other lover
  something in the way she woos me.

Hopefully this song will woo her enough that she will come to her senses and be back in my arms. Before its to late and she has his child or something. I mean marriage is marriage you csn get a divorce. But if so is pregnant with his baby then I would have to say goodbye then. Which I could do because I love her so much. I would just die if she ended up pregnant with his baby.

   It took me all night to write this song and it was finally done. Lets hope she comes back to me or at least hope that I had changed for the better. The song is called something and I hope the lads will let me put it on the next album. Even more I hope the Ringo doesn't sniff out who it is written for because then he will stop me from putting it on the album. I really hope she love it and comes back to me. 

      Tears ran down my face like rain droplets on a cold, windy, rainy day. They hit the paper, I was writing on, creating a puddle on top of the surface. Lucky it didn't smug my writing. I missed her so much. I want her so much. To be near me, to held me, to love me whenever I am blue. I wasnted her so much, thatit made me sick. Made me was to hurt myself. I want two grap a knife and drag it across my skin. I wanted to watch to blood spert out of my veins and watch it slither down my skin like a snake. in fact that didn't seem like a bad idea.

I ran into the kitchen and grapped a vegetable knife. I scrapped the knife against my skin. Blood cane poring out of my skin like a tap. I t felt right but so wrong at the same time. Blood sperted out everywhere. I felt light headed. Suddenly I felt dizzy like lizzy. My mind when everywhere like I was on drugs. This was my new drug. I went to grap my whiskey but fail and ended up on the floor with a huge.


My world suddenly was surounded by dark...

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