Peter's Demise

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Before I start and to clear confusion, this is small part of a zombie au story I'm writing with a friend.
Xiao is Taiwan.
Peter is Sealand.

The blankets shifted and jerk slightly, then, low guttural moans resonated from underneath. It definitely didn't sound too good. Xiao swallowed down the fear to take a cautious step forward, her legs threatened to give way. A biting feeling nipped at the back of her mind.

What if he was right?

She continued to tip-toe forward but the creaking floorboards threw away her attempts at discreteness. The blankets continued to shift with bodily movement but he made no attempt to pry the blanket away. With each step she felt her heart rate increase.

Xiao approached the bed.

"Peter?" She whispered but to no answer, "Hey, are you awake?"

With her trembling hands, she took hold of the dusty quilt and carefully pulled it away to reveal a pale face to the morning light. Deep, purple bags sat beneath his closed eyes. Lips turned an unhealthy shade of deep purple. Peter looked as if he had been thrown into an icy lake then carefully wrapped within the old blanket.

Judging by his appearance, he seemed to be on death's front door.

Xiao frantically tried to figure out what was wrong, first, her eyes fell to Peter's missing left limb with tightly fitted bandages. Blood continued to seep through. Blood-loss, it was the only logical answer. Peter was suffering major blood-loss due to his missing left leg spilling out and draining his body. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks.

He truly is dying!

She motioned to stand, to run to tell the others, but a cold hand caught her wrist. She turned to face a pair of sunken, milky white eyes.

Xiao shrieked when Peter shot up with his jaws wide open. He just barely missed her shoulder as she pushed herself away and tumbled to the wooden floor, dragging the other along with her. A smaller body fell upon her chest and she heaved at the impact. This should have been expected; Peter's smaller, frail body wouldn't have handled losing a leg along with so much blood, plus, the virus is far too strong for a young boy to fight off. It was inevitable.

So, he was right. I left him alone.

Peter snapped at her. Low, guttural growls rose up from his throat. Xiao struggled to keep him at bay with arms stretched out, but he was alarmingly strong and kept getting dangerously close to her neck with each jerk of his head. She cried out and pushed harder but to no avail. Glossy eyes was the last thing she was going to see before she would get bitten, Xiao didn't want to go out this way; being eaten alive by her only friend who had tragically turned after a failed attempt to save him.

Her last efforts drained Xiao's energy. Was this really was it?

Suddenly, the room door flew open followed by a series of footsteps, then someone cursed and a gun was drawn.

honestly, writing this made me sad
peter is cinnamon roll... :^(

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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