Chapter 27

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499 days later...

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not."


"I really do love everything. Everything, Riannon." She pressed a kiss to my cheek, and  leaned back to tuck an loose piece of my hair behind my ear. "Thank you."

"Well thank Christ." I exhaled heavily, finally convinced that she was genuine about her makeup and hair and dress. "That took a lot out of me."

"I'm about to get married. Get in line on the emotional train wreck, dear."

Two sharp knocks on the door made us both turn.

"Two minutes till sunset." Theo announced.

"Go away." We both replied.

"I'll shut up, but I'm just going to stand here because in about a minute and 15 seconds, this wedding is happening."

"If I get out there and it isn't perfect-"


"Sorry, sorry." I apologized to Helena. "Can't help it."

"It's perfect because I have my family here and the man I love. Not an altar covered in red roses."

I gave her a look. "You know damn well there isn't red. Or roses."

"Yes. It's sunflowers and pale blue anemones accented with peach spray roses." She lifted her matching bouquet. "And you could take them all away and we have this at a courthouse. Carter and I would still be just as giddily happy."

I kissed her cheek. "I'm so happy for you. And you're going to make him cry, and that makes me even happier."

The word that would describe her would be ethereal. A thin delicate crown, with curlicues and loops encircled her head, bringing out the gold in her loosely curled hair. Delicate embroidered lace draped her shoulders and back in mimicking V's in a cape-like fashion, and the rest of the dress flowed gently to the floor in layers of ivory chiffon.

With her request to have her makeup as natural as possible, she literally looked like Galadriel from Lord of the Rings.


"Hold on to your mouth." I said loud enough for Theo to hear, Lena and I exchanging smirks. "It's going to fall."

"I'm getting fucking married." Helena murmured, taking one last glance in the mirror before she turned back to me, her face glowing.

I grinned back. "Hell yeah, you are."

And two and a half hours later, after Theo had given her away, and the both of us had almost sobbed throughout the whole ceremony, she and Carter were having their first dance. And I was crying again.

"Need another one?"

"Haven't you run out of tissues by now?" I croaked.

Theo laughed through his nose, using his free hand to fish into the inner pocket of his navy tux jacket. "I put three packs into this baby in the morning. I still have a pack and a half to go."

I chuckled and took the tissue. "You cried too, okay?"

"Yeah." He replied softly, the arm around my waist pulling me closer. "I did."

"I've never seen Helena look so happy. The past two weeks of my life have definitely been worth it."

"I'm still angry she wouldn't let me pay."

"She's a grown ass woman. And Carter is involved in this marriage too. They are adults, who can make their own decisions. At least she agreed to let you host the wedding."

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