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6:00 am, a lovely morning. The summer breeze full of heat and cinnamon scent. It was a great day. Or so it seemed.
Crystal gems from all around gathered into the nearest courthouse (right after finishing up their mcDonalds happy meals) and sat down on the hard, rusty benches. The jury all gathered into their little cramped area and sat down, making sure to not accidentally fuse.
The judge, Lapis Lazuli rushed in and climbed onto their seat. "Order in the court. Everyone please settle down." Lapis said as she used the gavel.
"Everyone was silent in the first place, dumbass. We were waiting for you to SHOW UP!" some random person said in the audience. Spinel was getting so annoyed. She wanted to sue Steven so fucking bad after what he's done. She saw him take out his meaty donger and piss all over her house, but that wasn't the end of it. He pissed on her fucking wife, and that was the last straw! He always messed with Spinel ever since she came to Earth. She was stuck in a garden for like, 6000 years?!? For fucking eternity!
"Now let's begin with our case." Lapis said. "Spinel, you charge Steven Universe 100,000 coins for... erm, "pissing fucking everywhere!!!!!", is that... um correct?" "Absolutely!" Spinel said, frustrated. "Just begin the trial already!"
"Miss Peridot, I ask you to please come to the witness stand." Lapis continued.
Peridot walked over to the stand and tried to jump onto it, but was too short to grab ahold of it. Steven laughed at the sight and soon enough, so did everyone else. "Order on the MUDDAFUCKIN' COURT!" Lapis shouted, smacking the gavel. Pearl rose up from the defense stand and began to ask Peridot all sorts of questions, hoping to get some proof that Steven didn't piss on Spinels wife. But spinels lawyers got exactly what they needed. They were winning! Pearl finished... with nothing. Spinel's wife went up to the witness stand with a terrified look on her face. She was 100% nervous. Garnet rose up from the defense stand and walked right up to Spinel's spouse, glaring and interrogated her like a true lawyer would. "Why did Steven piss on you... if he DID?" Garnet asked in a deep tone. "I-I... fine I confess! I asked him to! I knew Spinel was cheating on me with..." she began sobbing right on the witness stand. "With a guy named Jaden!" She shouted, pointing at the guy in the front bench. He was casually eating his popcorn and just glared at Spinel's wife, with a face that could kill any smile. "Order in the court! We have one last witness..." Lapis continued, frustrated and tired. Spinel slowly drooped onto the witness stand with a sad expression on her face. Amethyst rose up from the defense stand and nervously asked some questions, but she was determined to win this case... for Steven Universe!
"Did Steven REALLY piss on your wife?" Amethyst asked with a glare. "Yes he did. I saw it with my own two pink eyes. And my wife just fucking said he did!" Spinel replied angrily.
"Wait but it was out of HER consent! So you technically LIED about her being harassed!" Amethyst said in a stern tone. "B-But he ruined my belongings and pissed all over my house and furniture and-"
"We saw pictures of the place. There was no piss on the furniture or anything important, just your toilet and your wife." Amethyst said in a triumph.
"OKAY OKAY SO I CHEATED ON MY WIFE BUT THAT WAS BECAUSE SHE WAS A TOTAL BITCH WHO RUINED MY LIFE!!! She hit me with wooden spoons and fucking DILDOS but she also just had to have STINKY FEET! DISGUSTING RAT!!!!!" Spinel shouted, breaking two windows with we voice.
"Case closed, everyone." Lapis said.
"Also Spinel, you may want to return soon." Lapis said.
"For the divorce of course!" Lapis said with a giggle.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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