1 - That's what friends are for

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I do not own any of the characters in this story.
All I own is the plot.

Albert is his own person, SpongeBob and all the other bikini bottomites belong to Stephen Hillenburg.

And this is the first ever fanfiction I've ever written, so please don't expect godlike writing.

Just wanted to point that out, on with the story!


It was a Sunday, which meant the Krusty Krab was closed, which meant SpongeBob SquarePants couldn't go to work, which meant he had nothing to do. He had already fed Gary, his pet snail, and cleaned his litter box. He had already done all the annoying house chores. He had no errands to run, what were there to do?

"Hmmmmm..... I haven't seen Sandy in a while." SpongeBob said. "Maybe I should visit her! What do you think Gary?"


"You're right!"

SpongeBob dashed upstairs, changed his clothes, brushed his teeth, then came back downstairs.

"See ya later Gare-Bear!" he said as he pet Gary's shell.


SpongeBob got up and hurried out the door, where he was spotted by Patrick Star, his best friend, who rushed to him once he saw him leaving his Pineapple.

"Hiya SpongeBob!" Patrick cheerfully said to him.

"Hey Pat! What's up?" SpongeBob asked him.

"Oh just the usual you know. Where are you going?"

"I'm heading over to visit Sandy!"

"Sandy Cheeks?"

"Yeah! Who else?"

"Oh, oh, oh! Can I come?! Can I come?!"

"Sure you can! The more the merrier!"


"Great! Now let's go!"

"Go where?"

SpongeBob stood there for a second, bewildered, but he didn't want his buddy to feel judged.

"To Sandy Cheek's tree dome."

"Oh, yeah right, sorry..."

"No, no! No need to say sorry! Let's just head off!"

And so they did just that.


SpongeBob gently knocked on the door, so gently that it barely made any sound.

"Now now, SpongeBob," Patrick said as he stepped in front of SpongeBob. "Let me show you how it's done!"

Patrick roughly punched the metal door several times, hard enough to leave a small dent. You bet ya Sandy heard that. Patrick took a couple steps back, and they waited patiently for Sandy to answer. The door slammed open.

"What in the name of-" Sandy paused as she noticed the two standing there with smiles on their faces. "Well goly! If it isn't SpongeBob and Patrick. Well come on in!" she said, handing them both helmets. Then they all entered the tree dome.

"It's so good to see you, Sandy!" SpongeBob laughed.

"It's nice seeing you too!" Sandy said. "It's been so long!"

"I know, right?" SpongeBob answered.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh....." Patrick said with a bit of drool hanging out of his mouth. He was just standing there dumbfounded. Typical Patrick.

"Alright!" Sandy exclaimed. She lead them over to her tree. "Wait here, I'll be back in two minutes. Don't touch anything, you hear me?"

SpongeBob and Patrick both nodded their heads in agreement.

Sandy climbed up into her tree. Patrick took a quick glance over to a random table, cluttered with papers, books, beakers, and something that looked like a ray gun.

"Hey SpongeBob!" said Patrick, nudging SpongeBob's elbow, which caught his attention.

"Yes Patrick?" he replied.

"Let's go touch all that fancy science equipment over there!" He insisted, pointing over to the table.

"I... I don't know, Pat. Sandy told us not to touch anything, and she seemed liked she really meant it."

"Oh, come on SpongeBob!" Patrick said, walking over to the table and picking up what seemed to be a ray gun. "Stop being so paranoid. What harm could this do?"

"I just think we should leave it alone, Sandy specifically told us not to touch anything!"

Patrick was now totally ignoring his friend, as he was too busy admiring the shiny tool he was holding in his hand.

"Ooh! What's this button d-" Patrick was saying as he pressed the button. Turns out that button was actually the trigger for the ray gun, and he was pointing the gun in SpongeBob's direction.

"WAIT! PAT N-" but it was too late. A bright teal beam shot from the weapon, striking SpongeBob on his forehead, and then bouncing off of him and into the dome's glass wall, cracking it so badly that it seemed as if the exterior ocean water would burst through any second. Sandy climbed down from the tree mid-action with an irritated yet terrified expression on her face.

"WHAT IN THE TARNATION ARE YOU GUYS DOING WITH MY INVENTION?!" Sandy yelled while sprinting over to Patrick and slapping it out of his hands. "Do you guys know you could get seriously injured with that?!"

The squirrel and the starfish both turned to SpongeBob, who was laying on the ground seeing stars.

"Ugh..." He muttered.

"SpongeBob!" Sandy yelled worriedly. She ran to him to help him up while Patrick followed closely behind her. Just then, the crack on the glass finally gave in and broke. Gallons of salty sea water began pouring through. Sandy quickly put on her helmet and suit while Patrick and SpongeBob's helmets just drifted off of their heads. Soon the dome was quickly filled with water.

"See! This is why I told you not to touch anything!" Sandy scolded. "Don't EVER do that again!"

"Sorry Sandy!" Patrick said, you could hear the remorse in his voice.

"I-I'm so very..... sorry.... Sandy.." SpongeBob tiredly apologized.

"SpongeBob, are you alright buddy?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah, o-of course.... Pat, wh-why... wouldn't I b-be....?" SpongeBob tried to lie. He was struggling to stand up, despite both Patrick and Sandy helping him.

"I'm...... fin-" Out of nowhere, SpongeBob blacked out and fell to the ground.

"SPONGEBOB!" Sandy and Patrick cried out. That was the last thing he heard, now all there was now was black, emptiness, void. This surely wasn't Bikini Bottom.

(895 words)

A/N: Like I mentioned before, this is the first fanfiction I've ever written... I hope you enjoyed chapter 1 of, "The Most Inconvenient Body Swap!"

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