Basic Concept

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Hello, my name is Cassie, which some of you may know from my other stories. I've been really into Teen Wolf lately, for some reason, probably because I'm dying for S5 but I've especially been into Sterek. I've always loved Sterek but recently I've been even more into it than usual and this just kind of...popped into my head.

So the basic concept for this story is Stiles and Allison are brother and sister and they move to Beacon Hills where Stiles meets Derek (Scott meets Allison) and basically all hell ensues. Now, I was thinking that when Claudia (Stiles' mom) died, John (Sheriff Stilinski) couldn't handle raising Stiles on his own and put him up for adoption and that when he was very young, The Argent's adopted him, but then I realized that I didn't really want that.

So basically, there are some serious changes going on, all because Stiles isn't a Stilinski. One of the main things is that he's not Scott's best friend. To explain things a bit, I'm going to say this. John had a son, but he died during birth. Claudia was devastated (John was too but not as much as her) and later she was diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia. When Claudia died, John was devastated since he lost not only his son but his wife as well. Years later, John and Melissa married, and John got Scott as a son.

So basically, John and Melissa are married. Stiles is Chris and Victoria's son and Allison is his sister. And like I said, I'm aware there are serious changes to the storyline because of all this, but please just bear with me. I've never done this before. I mean, a Sterek fanfic...or a fanfic where I totally changed like basically everything. OH! I thought I should point out, since Scott and Stiles don't know each other but Scott is still going to end up a werewolf, Scott is a lot like Stiles which is how he gets turned. Since Melissa and John are married, Scott listens in on John's phone calls and learns about the body and decides to go check it out. But I'm not going to show that. This is going to start the day after, on the first day of school.

Alright, so I'm going to end this here. I'll try and post the first chapter soon, and hopefully, you guys like it...

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