Day 1

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Hello, my name is Talia!
I am 14 years old and I was born in 18.September.2005.

I am the only daughter in my family currently living with my single mother who tries her best to make money and support our family.

The story begins here:
I was born on the full moon on Sunday, people in my country in their belief says that being born on that day is like having a connection with god and they will be lucky.

I am so lucky that when I was 1,5 years old my dad had a mistress, got her pregnant and divorced my mom.

I was so young that I don't even know that my dad was leaving but I learned that story when I was 3 years old, after realizing that I have no dad like other girls sucks at first. But I knew I had an amazing mom that everyone wished for.

Of course, it was lonely since it was only two of us so my mom decided to hire a maid that will take care of the house and look after me while she's at work. Lucky on this part my maid was actually a very decent woman who is very generous and kind hearted and she took good care of me. I am still very great full for her actions that she has done to me.

When I was 3 my mom put me into my first kindergarten, there I made two friends which I'll call them Sally and Venessa. Sally was a half Chinese girl very smart, pretty and quiet but she's cool to hang out with, but on the other hand Venessa is a hot chubby girl, a bit bitchy and slutty. I of course knew Venessa isn't really going to be good with me since she doesn't like me very much.

I remember once she introduced her boyfriend to us his name was Jack, Jack was nice and cute but I didn't think much of this. Keep in mind that we're still in kindergarten not middle school and guess what? Venessa told me that *holding laughter* she had sex with Jack! *burst out laughing* like dude!!! What the heck? And I was such a stupid child that I didn't know what it was and just said "ohh that's cool" *laughing outside but inside instantly shaming on my young self*.

Well, we'll continue to middle school on day 2 I hope you guys enjoy me telling my story!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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