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Rule #1
There are to be no over-powered characters unless scenario calls for it! Please don't use Mary Sues or Gary Stus, they get annoying and hard to work with sometimes!

Rule #2
You don't have to do the whole "I play your crush you play mine" thing. I sorta hate that, just a little! Of course you CAN start one but it most likely won't be with me sorry-

Rule #3
This one isn't so much as a rule as it is a sort of fun detail! You can start a roleplay in the book and someone else (other than me, WOA) can accept the "Can I?" BUT you have the rights to decline them if so wished!

Rule #4
This one will seem long, but just hear me out! This one is to make it seem like the other rules, when really this one is the password! All you need to say to get in is: What is the kind of hero you would want to be? What inspires that fire inside of you, no matter how small?

Rule #5
Please, please, PLEASE.. USE THE DANG LITERATE STYLE! Sure you can use the script roleplay style, but thats only if you just don't want me to roleplay with you -~- It would have to be someone else if you use that style, sorry!

Rule #6
Hate the character, not the person!

Rule #7
Follow basic, common knowledge.. dude, if you wouldn't say this in real life, don't say it here. And if you wouldn't DO this in real life, don't do it!! PLEASE, it is NOT that difficult, people!

Rule #8
Going along with #7, following basic, common knowledge.. just.. if the character can't do this according to their stats, then it's flat out "they can't do this"! (Take for example, "my oc is Izuku's sister and she has One for All!".... B**** that isn't how that quirk works, did you even watch the show or read the manga??)
There IS an exception, though. If the backstory states why they can do a certain thing and it is very logical, then sure go ahead! (I might be picky with your "my oc has All for One/One for All"s!)

Rule #9

If you gotta do any crap that you even might ASK if you have to "take it to PM". JUST TAKE THE CRAP TO PM, I don't want my beautiful first Roleplay Book being taken down for your shizle! If you ignore this rule, I will have to delete your reply line from the roleplays just as you apparently want Wattpad to do with this book THIS MEANS NO SMUT OR LEMONS!

Rule #10
I'll add more rules based off things I see happening that I think shouldn't happen, ye? oki, so uh, Have Fun then!(No Begging!)

+the forms for OCS will be in the next chapter!

Heroes Never Die... Neither Do VillainsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora