ochapter 25

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Hope pov:

We were watching the movie yo tell the truth I was scared. I hid in hayes chest. "don't worry baby I got you noone will hurt you" he said. I looked up at him his blue eyes looking into my eyes. He came closer. We kissed at that moment I felt noting could go wrong. When we broke apart I smiled.

We went back to the hotel. All the boys and girls were there. "COURTNEY ANDRYAH YOURE back" i screamed. "ya we are babe" Courtney said. Andryah was unspoken. "hello earth to andryah you alive" i said. "oh hi hope sorry I was in a world of my own" she replied. I nodded.

"hey cammy" i said. "go away hope" he said. "cam what's wrong" i asked. "hope seriously just go away" he shouted. "cam what's wrong" i said one more time. "HOPE GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU KNOW WHAT I SHOULD OF LEFT YOU YEARS AGO LIKE BRYAN BARRY AND JOSH did" he shouted at me. Reality hit me in the face. Did he notices what he had said. "Omg hope I'm so sorry" he said. "no its alright cam I should of known you didn't want me your own sister it's ok" i said. I went over to my bag and packed some clothes. "since you don't want me I'm just gonna go bye Cameron bye everybody " i said. "hayes I'm going to be gone for a while so I'm setting you free" i said he stood there with tears. I ran out of the room bursting out crying. I went out of the hotel and thought I'm 14 where the hell am I suppose to go. "hope hope is that you" an oldish enough man that looked like cam said. "ya who are you" i asked. "I'm im your dad hope"........

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